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She swallows. "Well. Okay."


"I'm planning to leave some people the ability to teleport out of the dimension without me, and leave a note for my mother soliciting based on any sense of obligation she may or may not have towards me that she render foreign aid, and give the teleporters a list of likely next places to try for stashing refugees and collecting weaponry in case she is uninterested, but the Tesseract will be fastest and most effective if it works and I have a much better than average chance of operating it."


Lúthien hugs her. "I trust you. Just be careful."


"I am planning to stand there talking to it for a bit first asking it to please not disintegrate me into my component quarks," agrees Loki. "Very politely. I might bring someone who is politer than I am, even."


"I can't think of anyone," she says, straight-faced, then giggles. "I think it'll be all right. If Ulmo said it'll work -"


"Ulmo doesn't, I think, know anything about the Tesseract, let alone its personal opinions. The part I imagine he was commenting on is 'will smearing Morgoth over a few million parsecs do the trick'."


She nods. "I should probably sing now, I can't stay here all day as much as I'd like to. Loki, Galadriel said she wanted to talk to you next time you were in Doriath, want to talk with her while I sing to Maedhros?"


Opinion? Loki asks Maedhros.


I haven't seen her at all. Should be interesting. I also failed to consider that I'd be damaging your personal relationship with Lúthien if I asked you not to confront her. If you're not doing it for me I don't mind if you do it.


I may mention it when she's done singing to you, then. "Where's Galadriel?"


"Rooms next to mine, if you remember where mine are. You're welcome to join us for a night, I've been wanting to have a princess slumber party."

Well, she still has to sleep under accelerated perception. Might as well get a night of it done first. "Sounds nice."

And off she pops.

Galadriel isn't hard to find; she's in her room, on the false balcony, and turns around when she hears Loki. "Hello."


"Hi. Heard you wanted to talk to me."


"Did the Feanorians lie to you about the Oath or did you lie to Lúthien about it?"


"Neither, as far as I know."


"It's not to always be in possession of the Silmarils. It's to kill anyone who claims them. To pursue them, unswayed by law or love or league of swords, until the world's ending."


"If they ask not to be granted free will when I have that to sling around I'll have to tell them tough luck."


"What did Maedhros tell you he was here to do?"


"Among other things, not be able to teleport."


She looks confused. "Was that deliberately unhelpful?"


"Are you trying to be helpful? What are you trying to accomplish?"


"I was trying to avoid waking up one morning to find out that my suicidal cousin had murdered the King and perhaps also Lúthien not sure what the Oath thinks about that."


"What would you like me to do?"


"Hmm? Nothing; he can't do it now, so the oath can't give him a hard time, and he seems to have a secondary mission of winning over Lúthien which is probably all for the best. I just wanted you to have accurate information and I did not trust Feanorians to give it to you."

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