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"Things are unpleasant. The loud noise earlier was me redirecting an enormous projectile from a city into the Ice."


"Eru. And he probably has more and you can't do that constantly -"


"I can't," she agrees. "I sleep. It's a failing. I mentioned someone else can teleport now, so we can avoid being asleep at the same time, but monitoring's a problem."


"I'll tell Mother, in case there's anything she can do." She concentrates on doing this. "Did it do enough damage that it'd damage Menegroth?"


"It made a half-mile dent in the Ice." She sends the image.


"Well," she says, a bit shakily. "It is Ice. Maybe Mother can shore up Menegroth enough, with the Silmaril..."


"I wouldn't know."


Lúthien blinks, at that. "Well, no. That's why I'm asking. You sure you're okay?"


"I'm in a bad mood. And this is my first real break from spellcraft in a while."


"I have a fix for bad moods," she offers. You're going to have to leave pretty soon if you still don't like my song magic, I've been doing the panic-management one for your friend.


"For various reasons, I prefer to keep my bad moods where I can see them," Loki says. Do you lack my blanket discomfort with mind affecting magic? she asks Maedhros.


Maybe I'm rather inured to it at this point. I do not like it, but I'd also have been non-functional within two weeks, so I'm choosing the least bad alternative.


"So I'll get out of your way," Loki says.

"It doesn't have to be right this minute. Maedhros had promised me the conclusion of his story about studying botany with Yavanna -"

He smiles indulgently. "Promised? I don't think I promised. But you're a good listener - much better than me, or I wouldn't have been in this bind in the first place..." and then resumes the story.

Loki doesn't want to stare at spell symbols again yet, not for months of subjective time. She listens.
It's a terribly good story. Lúthien looks fairly jealous. "Once we've won the war," he says to her, "I expect Yavanna will come walk these shores to heal the harms the war did the land, and even your father can't possibly object if you walk with her."

"You underestimate him," she says.

"My grandfather was overprotective too, for something resembling the same reasons, but he let my father study under Aulë at an alarmingly young age. The Valar can be very reassuring presences when its reassurance that a person needs."

...Loki isn't sure whether she should ask if they routinely do the covert forced kneeling bullshit.


Lúthien frowns at her again. "You should take more breaks, Loki, you look desperately stressed."


"Actually, just then I was thinking about a conversation I had with Ulmo, not about anything overwhelmingly stressful."


"What did he say?"


"He says my plan for killing the Enemy will work."




"It does rely on my being able to attempt to enact it. I might just vanish from here, try to pick up the Tesseract, and die."


"Aren't there - other powerful weapons in your world? Which don't have that effect?"


"Sure. We tried one. I asked about another but apparently in the quantities necessary to destroy the Enemy it would also destroy the entire planet. The one I'm going to try belongs to my family, didn't kill me the last time I touched it, and would afford me more than enough power and plenty of delicacy."

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