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Not all her breaks need to be social breaks. And speaking Asgardian is no skin off her nose. She is perfectly happy to tell him about her childhood and family and planet and friends and the funny story about her Allspeak glitch on Midgard.


And heightened perception means that when the Elves announce there's something falling out of the sky at New Himring Loki move the city now she can react before they've even finished the sentence.


- out she goes. (Does healing fix the headache?)


Sort of, it's only partially a standard headache and partially something-like-seasickness at how oddly the world now seems to be rushing around her. Closing her eyes helps. Someone sends an osanwë projection of something arcing through the sky.


Aaaand what does it look like?


A big rock.

- it's hard to tell like this how long she has to think or discuss redirecting it.

For lack of a better idea while it streaks toward the city she hops up to it and puts it above the Helcaraxë.

And watches it dig a crater half a mile across. Not a nuclear bomb, though it is radioactive. Just a really big bomb.


Well, nobody was using the place except hypothetical frost giants. She heals herself and pops back, landing a little dizzily. Anybody see more of those heading anywhere? she asks.


I checked above both the other consolidated cities and Doriath, Celebrimbor says. Nope.


Okay. She slides to the ground, rubs her temple, waits for the world to stop spinning.


Eventually it does. We either need to put the consolidated cities within osanwë range of each other and of Doriath, or we need someone else who can teleport, he says.


Okay. Are there suitable locations that work?

Back to their original ones should work, actually.

I don't want my family anywhere near Doriath if it can be avoided.

I should ask Ulmo if he'll still be able to protect the city if I move it or if he's committed to the specific site. Other than that putting everything back sounds fine. Ugh. When is it. How long was she in there.


It's been six weeks.

...Well, she got months' worth of work done and she wasn't seasick that long. This might be worth doing again if there don't start being a dozen rocks scattered all over every hour or something.

But as long as she's out, she'll be out for a bit. Stretch her legs. Get a little air under her wings. Celebrimbor has presumably been doing most message-relaying tasks but may have been handicapped in visiting Nolofinwëans and Doriath; she can do that.

Celebrimbor indeed hasn't visited Doriath, and visited the Nolofinweans only to leave supplies at their door and pop out again. They're glad to see her.


She is glad to see them too. Need anything? Any news? She dropped a giant destructive rock on the Ice, perhaps the Nolofinwëans will find this fact cathartic.


They are amused. Ulmo can't move his hidden city; the location is what's so thoroughly protected.


Okay, that complicates making sure everything's in range a bit. She notifies relevant parties who need to know where cities are going to be.


The hidden city is probably not bombable anyway.

Okay. Everybody else can go wherever.

And Loki can go to Doriath to visit Lúthien and Maedhros.

They're expecting her, and tell her Lúthien is probably in the throne room and Maedhros under guard near the river.


Maedhros first.

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