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"Bad at engineering for a Noldo still makes you very good at it by the standards of everyone else."


"So don't give him tools and materials."


"What if he can do it by singing?"


"He's not the family singer either. Would you feel better if you had an object that emitted a person-sized amount of silence to have the guards attach to him if he started?"


"He could just wear it, and communicate with osanwë -"


"Is that okay with you?" Loki asks Maedhros.


"In exchange for freedom of movement within the room? Or just as an extra precautionary measure?"


Loki looks at Lúthien.

"I'm going to have to ask my father about freedom of movement," she says. "This is just so we feel better about the situation."

"Then no," he says.

She looks pleadingly at Loki. "I could put a bunch of guards to sleep with a song."

"Well, he's still chained to the wall, so I don't think that would get him anywhere. If I can silence you an accessory so he can no longer be chained to the wall you will continue not to have anything to worry about."


"If you give us one that'll definitely be a factor in favor of releasing him."


"If you release him that will definitely be a factor in me giving you one."


"You're making a much bigger deal about this than he has. He hasn't even complained."


Loki decides not to say If I were keeping you chained to a wall would you complain about it or would you try to be very charming until I stopped. Or, If it were my priority over all other considerations that he not be there I could remove him. She just frowns.


"I know it's not right. I know it's not fair. He can go home if he pleases, obviously."


"He's not in much of a position to so please."

"Yeah." She looks at Maedhros. "You could swear not to kill my father, and walk away now, no guards, no problems -"

"I have decided to stop giving my word."

"Uh huh."

- wince.


"If you want to trade him for one who will swear to that, it's not really that much of an ask-"


"Pardon me, I was remembering the screaming of somebody coerced into contradictory oaths."


"I'm not coercing him. If you think they contradict you believe that he is obliged to try to kill my father."


"I do not know the full content of the oath. I'm pretty confident that if it obliged them to do that and obliged them to do it efficiently Maedhros would not be the angle you'd have to watch from."


"Yeah, that's occurred to us too. While he's here they won't drop any bombs."


"Loki, what would you like from me? I realize it's a mess. It's a mess of their creation. I can't let everyone in this city die because they made stupid mistakes they've already killed people over at least twice. I'm not hurting him. I'm trying to balance his lives against ours, but there are two hundred thousand more of us so it comes out a little unbalanced even if he matters as much as anyone else."

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