"You can spend the rest of eternity trying to keep up. There's a lot of stuff and a lot of people out there. You could probably learn a language or at least a dialect every day and never run out."
"We'll set you up with an interdimensional Bifrost, turn you loose on the galaxy, see what happens."
"Doesn't matter either way to me unless I have to forcibly relocate all of Eru's toys to stop him from mistreating them or something. How come?"
"I would like to rule over only and exactly the people who want to live in the sort of place I can create. I do not want to try to solve peoples' problems in ways that involve playing Vala. If they are in a worse situation than they'd be in living with me, I want to make sure they can come to my kingdom. If there's a better situation, I hope they go and find it. There's - a lot of mistakes you can't actually make, if you keep things that simple."
"Admirable principle. Although this does still require bidirectional travel if someone wants to move away."
"Depending on how interdimensional Bifrosts or whatever wind up working might not be much order of operations to worry about."
"One of the reasons I'm putting so much effort into the armor project though I really really do not expect it to bear fruit is that there has to be some way to do your sorcery with objects and we could do it in a cryptographically irreversible way so no one could learn sorcery from the objects and then we could just drop a ring of teleport on everyone, everywhere."
"Ooh! I mean, in principle there does have to be a way to sorcerously enchant objects, other sorcerers who do it the unwieldy way can make magic things, I just haven't delved into it; but it'd scale up if you could do it your way."
Loki continues bopping around visiting places between chunks of work. Orcs and Nolofinwëans and Doriath -