"Oh, they went ahead and renamed a day of the week after me and didn't tell me! Sounds gorgeous, I'd love to have a look."
Her apartment does have an indoor waterfall, a gentle one with a granite backing. "The prince Morifinwë came over personally in a very bad mood trying to figure out why this complex specifically was using so much water, and I showed him and he agreed it was very pretty and clever and I was on plumbing duty until I learned enough to figure out how to make it recirculating, which didn't actually take too long."
"And there goes its subversive charm, but it's still lovely."
Sure! Hair petting. Loki is on board with this local custom.
"I couldn't keep hours like you folks do at all, I need too much sleep and food and variety. Species foible."
"I'm an impatient person. I wouldn't like my impatience environmentally suppressed."
"Well," says Loki, "I am very flattered to have warranted a spot in your rare time off."