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Several options. One fell swoop while I'm holding infinity stones, might not work on anybody who didn't wind up in Mandos or something. Waiting longer, next spell being resurrection. That I'd probably do anyway for future and non-Ardan dead people. I occasionally fondly consider 'bullying Mandos into handling it' but it's probably a bad call.


I think it would be.


Although if I'm going to do it anyway, 'immediately after killing another Vala, holding the method of execution' would be the time.


You underestimate how intractably stubborn they are. I think they'd react to that by calling on Eru to stop you, and if Eru didn't save them, I think they'd still be debating what to do when you got tired of waiting.


Unpleasant failure modes both.




I do sort of wonder if I should expect Eru to show up at some point in the proceedings, and while I am reasonably confident in infinity stone versus Vala I am not nearly so in infinity stone versus Eru.


I have absolutely no idea what happens if Eru shows up. I don't understand - he might actually be omnipotent, which if so speaks rather badly of his ethics. He might be a collective fantasy of the Valar, for all I know. Or someone from your universe who decided to run their own.


Yeah, anything anywhere which is really omnipotent is plainly not a good guy. I did not express this opinion to the converted orcs. Eru's motivations are opaque to me.


Can you play grateful devotee who was given by Eru's grace the tools to carry out the mission he must have wanted you to carry out? If he shows?


Wouldn't he know whether his grace and his interest in assigning me missions were in play?

If you assumed you were acting on them then even if you weren't, you might get in less trouble for trying.


But suppose he corrects me.


I do not have anywhere near enough information to start making inferences here. I'm sure at need I could become the sort of person who can serve Eru in a way that advances my goals, but not without any information about what he even is.


Yeah, I don't know. I may just evacuate the universe if he shows up and isn't saying 'congratulations, that was swell'.


...and if he stops that?


Well, then what I can do is a little constrained because that supposes he can prevent me and the Tesseract both from moving stuff around and I am staying put until he decides I can go.


I mean, should you evacuate the universe before he shows up. Would be the question.


Major considerations against are that the move might be toxic to Ainur and might kill magic music. Once I can get out I can test my looping songs before I bring everything along with me. I am out of specific Maiar I am definitely willing to kill, alas.


There are more of them that work for the Enemy.


Yeah, but I'd have to go hunt one down. And the nuke might have shortened the supply.


Possibly. You're attached to Thuringwethil?


I promised not to kill her once I take over the world. I suppose she might volunteer; her priority seems to be not dying in her fated manner.


The Ainur are so weird. He shakes his head. I probably shouldn't keep you much longer, that was a long concert. Thank you.

You're welcome. See you later.

And she goes and has a fly and then pops back in the hole.
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