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...precedented, is that?


I never had enough information to interpret the older generation's stories. We'd been told, yes, that people of particular importance in our community would go and then come back - like that, tormented by a hundred lives and the knowledge all of them ended at the whim of the Enemy. But. Alone those words don't make much sense, I didn't make anything of them.


No two fragments of him are going to share a stellar neighborhood when I'm done with him.


And maybe eventually some of those people will come to find their lives - more than endurable. I'm really not sure.


That I'm not sure I can address directly at all. Bottlenecks on things other than brute force.


Some way for Quendi to actually irrevocably stop existing might be a problem of brute force. I'm not sure.


Well, I suppose. I'd want a good long investigative process into solutions other than that before trying to do it.


I'm sure you would.


If someone wants to stop existing I don't feel any particular desire to spend a thousand years trying to change how they feel about it. I'd expect that to be a thing where we feel differently.


I didn't mean to imply a thousand years when I said "long". Anyway, I see no reason they shouldn't spend the intervening time unconscious if that would be pleasanter.


All right, fair enough.


I try.


You don't have to worry about me, I have a lot of obligations and expect to continue conducting myself in a way that means acquiring them.


Then to the extent that is all that worries me I am untroubled.


He shakes his head. How is everyone?


And she reports accordingly on everyone.


And he expresses affection and concern as appropriate and wishes her productive work.


And then she goes to ask Maglor if he'd like to take Doriath up on potentially forthcoming permission to come visit.


"...yes, certainly, but if there's anything you're not mentioning about the situation there and Maedhros is using me towards some end of his in some way more complicated than 'sing prettily, impress them' I'd appreciate more information."


"They're likely to restrict your direct contact with him and the Silmaril both in ways intended to deter antisocial forms of singing etcetera, and it's entirely possible he's working on something more complicated but I don't know what it is. He did mention that the implication of you composing so fast is that you could use an audience as a pick-me-up but I don't think that's a primary factor?"


"Probably not, no." He looks amused. "Okay."


"Then I'll let you know next time I pop down so you can be expecting to be fetched when I confirm the invitation is real."


"Oh, there's not an invitation, there's just Nelyo deciding that there shall be one? Thank you for letting me know, I'll be ready. Maybe write something suitable."


"I'm looking forward to it."

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