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Hi! I hear I'm popping in a guest star for a concert?


We thought we'd have him come - outside Menegroth, to the gates - and meet us and meet Daeron and then sing, yes. The Noldor can't sing as well as us so I can't say he'll be the star.


My mistake. I can bring him to the gates right now if everything's ready and he's not in the middle of something else at the moment?

Everything's ready.


So she pops back up and finds Maglor. "Concert invitation is a go. Maedhros thinks they're going to want you blindfolded while you sing for some reason but Lúthien didn't mention it."

He shakes his head. "Elu Thingol. Of all the people to end up in charge of -

Should we leave now?"

"If now's good, yes."


"Now is perfectly adequate." He's dressed for it, very very elaborately, though his hair is almost loose.


So she puts them by the gates.


They do in fact have a blindfold for him, if he doesn't mind, which he doesn't, though he has many many compliments for the area, and then he is introduced to Daeron and their conversation is maybe slightly competitive and people file out to listen to the singing.


Loki will attend the concert assuming nobody objects.


Everyone would love to have her! There are thousands of people in attendance, actually, and Thingol and Melian wave at her when they arrive. Father wanted assurance you'd make him silent if he started magicking the walls to rubble or something, Lúthien says. I said you definitely would if it happened but would roll your eyes at me if I asked.


You were right.

He doesn't magic the walls to rubble. He just sings, and his voice carries, and he's the only one present who can't see the vivid images that blossom out with the song. The song is of the Darkening of Valinor, and it's alternately mournful and fast-paced and panicky and seared through with grief.

He has, one assumes, the good sense to stop well short of Alqualondë, and he does, the song soaring to its conclusion when the Valar send a herald to reprimand Fëanor tell the Noldor to turn back. "Say this to Manwë Thúlimo, High King of Arda," says Fëanor, stepping forward while in the presence of the herald all the others are forced back. "I will not be idle while Moringotho works evils; I will not let grief or despair or any Vala hold me prisoner while Moringotho is free. Perhaps I cannot overthrow the Enemy, but perhaps Eru has set in me a fire greater than you know. And I do not go alone; in the end all the world's free people will follow me."

I suppose it was too much to expect he'd sing about flowers or something, Lúthien says. He's not bad for a Noldo.

Loki, who has been recording the entire time, replies, I'm sure he has flowers in his repertoire somewhere. Is it customary to take requests?


I don't know what the Noldo customs are. But Maglor takes requests. He can do flowers. He can do dinosaur hunting. He can do another hour or so, and then the sun sets, though you barely notice the difference here, and then Daeron sings.


Loki records Daeron too. Can't have too many songs when she's stuck in the hole.


They're both so outrageously talented that it's a bit absurd to make comparisons, but the Sindar all come away firmly convinced that the Noldor are better than expected but that Daeron is their clear superior.

Loki is pretty sure they're relying on facts she doesn't have good enough ears to hear or something.

If they are done with Maglor she can take him home?

She can! Lovely concert, lovely seeing her.


And Maglor gets deposited whence he came - she does not bring the blindfold along; it falls to the floor in its wearer's absence - and she goes back to have more of a conversation with Maedhros.


He's smiling. It was very pretty.


Yes it was. Were there schemes afoot of a nature I get to know post facto?


Schemes? Me?

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