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"Well, that's reassuring."


"Yep. Just don't get captured. Not that I suppose he could hold you."


"I can't teleport yet. He could if he were smart about it."


She shudders. "Well. Be careful."


"I've been thinking about if there's a way to take in escapees, short of making them prisoners again - if they didn't have access to any weapons, if they had people assigned to supervise them -"


"I was actually going to ask the Dwarves if they'd take one, since I don't anticipate congenial conditions of reception from Quendi, the escapee I'm in touch with is uncomfortable around orcs and doesn't want to go hang out in the converted colony, and he doesn't want to go back to his family because he thinks I'm a malicious hallucination seeking information about them. I can't just keep visiting him myself forever."


She nods. "Dwarves don't generally like us much. Not that I blame them."


"The fellow is a Quendi, but from the newcomer contingent, which I think has not had any past interactions with Dwarves."


"No. Hmm, then maybe. How will he meet them? He can't come into Doriath and they mostly don't leave except a hundred or so at a time, marching off east to their kingdoms."


"I taught him to fly. I'd ask directions to one of their kingdoms and then if they wanted him there I'd escort him there."


"Ah." Enviously, "so we can learn."


"It was faster than I was expecting. Osanwë helped a lot, it took me weeks and him less than a day. But you couldn't change back and forth yourself, I'm not supposed to do spells affecting living things in Doriath, and the process, however abbreviated, is kind of undignified. It involves being flung into the air and crashing repeatedly."


"There's no way Father'd approve," she says gloomily.




"It's all right. You're making me more impatient, it's odd. I always knew it'd be Ages before anything I did really mattered and it didn't used to bother me at all."


"I didn't realize I was contagious. Sorry."


"Don't be. I am very glad that you found us."


...Is this a good time to suddenly exert a burst of strength against Lúthien's hand.


This wins her the arms-wrestling match. Lúthien dissolves into giggles. "And here I was just thinking that even though you're obviously a touch stronger I might win just because you'll get bored first."


"I probably would have," laughs Loki. "Or gotten tired first. Although I think I would have suggested a tie before outright letting you win."


"People'll be looking for me in a bit anyway. I don't spend much time in my room during the day."


Loki dismisses the silence. "Who'll be looking?"


"Daeron, maybe? He's been trying to show me the writing system ever since I told him that he was right it was apparently important. And people who are expecting a baby or want to introduce me to one or won a contest or are holding one and want me to hand out the prizes..."


"I shouldn't monopolize you," laughs Loki. "I'll go talk to the Dwarves."

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