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"Thank you."

And back out to follow white lilies.

The white lilies lead into a personal room with an open door; Lúthien is sitting on her bed, braiding her hair. "Loki! Was Mother able to help you?"


"Some, yes. I had not known the world was flat." Loki does not stare at the hair braiding, however intellectually interesting the challenge of braiding hair that long. "It will save me some unfortunate tests of early versions of my teleportation spell to have that information. She also thinks I'm actually in a parallel reality from home, not just spatially distant."


"Is that good or bad? You can come in, I'm almost done and then I'll just be trying on dresses."


"Mostly bad, but knowing to prepare for it is good," Loki says. "I would not normally try on clothes in front of someone, is that customary here?"


"It's not inappropriate," she says. "Do you not go swimming together? That involves rather less clothes."


"We do swim, but the situation allows somewhat less privacy."


"What's your concept of privacy?" She finishes with her hair. "You can do illusions if you don't want to see me," she says, and starts taking dresses out.


"I care more about informational privacy than visual privacy, I was mostly just surprised that you wouldn't have me stand outside the door," Loki says. "When there are doors available they are usually interposed between situations involving nudity and non-participants in those situations. Absent doors the rules are looser."


"Oh! You can try on dresses too, if you'd like and if that makes it more culturally acceptable."


"It does, actually, and I suppose I might as well." Loki goes and investigates dresses, detaching her armor while she sees what there is to be had.


There's a rather extravagant selection. "There was a contest," says Lúthien. "Lots of people are good at design or sewing and they love to have chances to show off."


"Sounds like fun. What kinds of fiber do you use here?" Armor and underarmor shucked she picks out something blue and gold, estimates its size against herself.


"Well, there are conveniently a bunch of spiders in the forest just north of here," she says, "and they spin an extremely durable and useful fabric that's very hard to treat but very useful once you manage it."


"Oh, I didn't realize people would go out and fetch webs. Is this all spider silk?"


"People started begging to be assigned to northern guard duty and my father had no idea why. I knew it had become a fad but I didn't connect it with - anyway, no, some linen, some cotton."


"I guess you don't have sheep for wool." Loki tries on the blue-and-gold.


"I like that, it matches your coloration." She's trying on one in a very pale lavender. "This is exquisitely crafted but it makes me look as if you could breathe on me and I'd fall over."


Loki aims a puff of air at her forehead.


"I'm half Maia," she pouts, "I could beat anyone here in a wrestling match if that weren't very Not Acceptable."


"Would anybody notice if we arm-wrestled? I'm stronger than a Quendi, I don't know if I'm stronger than a half-Maia."


"They might hear us." She looks expectantly at Loki.


"Is that the only problem?"


"Only one that comes to mind."


"Nobody's listening now. Can that table take it?"

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