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"Lots of things work differently in Doriath than out, that doesn't mean people lose confidence that they work in Doriath."


"What if you had a visitor and no one remembered to tell them...?"


"Then I expect the visitors' expectations would determine it. I want more open borders than my father, but I can stop unmarried couples from coming in specifically to ~do you think anyone's told me~ within my territory, if that's going to cause trouble."


"What about single people, who meet locals?"


"The locals would presumably tell them? I think people usually talk quite a bit before engaging in activities that even might lead to marriage!"


"That depends heavily on the extent to which they think it likely that the activities will so lead. And the individual."


"...keeping in mind that we take about a hundred times as long as you to do anything?"


"...I doubt, somehow, that it is common for Quendi to take a hundred times as long to ~no I don't think anyone's told you~ as other people take, and the preliminaries can be very cut down if the subject of your ignorance is presented completely a la carte."


"My parents took three hundred years."


"And that's definitely not customary even for Quendi, I wasn't speaking of Maiar."


"Anyway, even if you didn't end up married I don't think anyone'd rush through courting so quickly that the topic of marriage didn't come up. That just sounds unhealthy."


"Among people for whom marriage and lying together are independent, particularly if they have also solved the accidental children problem common to most other realms, it is simply not uncommon to have one absolutely without regard to the other."

One of these days once Endorë has no problems, you really have to take me to Asgard."

"Sounds like fun."


"They wouldn't respect me because I'm as useful in a fight as a sprig of parsley - though one with a charming personality - but I'd love to meet them, and see them, and just walk around."


"Well, despite the fact that we don't interact with other realms much, people are generally aware that they exist and that not everyone does gender roles the same way. You can just be obviously foreign."


"That'd be all right. Or, once I can heal people by dancing and singing, go to some of those places you speak of that have need of that, and help."


"...I tended to have to be very inconspicuous," Loki says, "or disguised as a boy or both; I'm not sure you'd get the reception you'd like."


"Oh, the allowance for the customs of other lands doesn't extend so far as 'some places, women do magic?' I rather want to throw Mother at them."


"Oh, they know it happens, but they wouldn't thank you for it. And your dancing does have other effects that might be considered hostile; that's why I haven't seen you dance, remember?"


"Asgardians don't like being happy? I gathered you personally had an aversion..."


"I like being happy; I don't like it being imposed by mind-affecting forces. I'm probably an outlier but I still wouldn't expect it to be too popular. It's the sort of thing that to a warlike culture seems very much like 'an enemy is lulling me into a false sense of security', you see?"


"Now that you say it." She shrugs, insofar as one can do that while arm-wrestling. "Even Father's not that paranoid."


"Maybe he should be. The Enemy is not known to turn into birds but is known to use mind-control."


"Only with people who've been in his extended custody. Mother says those abilities are an aspect of an Ainu's presence, they aren't things they can just send out at will."

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