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It is that smart, at least; it weaves away, leaps onto the nearest tree, leaps from there back at her.


Okay, it definitely prefers snacking on her to talking to her. Poleaxe, swiped through, expecting intense amounts of exoskeleton and given weight with that in mind.


That works. A very dead spider comes crashing to the ground at her feet. And now there are definitely things moving in the canopy.


Well, that wasn't so hard. How many things?


It's hard to get numbers, they're not visible except by shaking branches and shifts in the shadows. Quite a few things.


She was going to try baiting them with light. Have a big ball of light, spiders, over there, not in the same direction as her path out of the woods.

A moment's wary silence. Then one spider leaps down near the ball of light. Circles it. Hisses at it.

The other ones are still moving in the trees.

"Fond of light?" Loki asks. The poleaxe becomes a glaive, planted point up in case something drops on her. "If you like it you could ask nicely for more of those."

Four more leap out of the trees and onto the ball light. It seems to dim wherever they touch it, though their carapaces glimmer with the reflection.

And then a dozen more of them lunge for it, and it goes out entirely.

Are they going to ask nicely?

Any still above her?

There are still a couple above her. in fact, the canopy is rustling in all directions, so she may have attracted the notice of many of them. They're not asking anything, though, at the moment.


This is in fact slightly more spiders than she'd like to have to fight off, although she thinks she could manage it if she had to, given that she can heal herself mid-combat. Glaive still pointed up, she heads back to her canopy gap.


And four of them leap down at her.


Falling speed isn't that quick. She scythes through them, snarling. Just like home.


If they were intelligent you'd think this would deter the others, but instead they seem spurred on to attack. Several of the ones who were eating the ball of light come racing across the ground. More jump down.


There may be thousands of these, and she doesn't trust them to get bored as quickly as her. She turns the spider corpses transparent so they don't impair her visibility but she can still tell where they are, and carries on with the scythe; after a few more spiders die on it she turns it double-headed until it's like a sharp pickaxe in profile. When she moves, she moves back the direction she came; when she has a moment to take a breath, she replaces her dots of light with dots of unilluminated color.


And she slashes her way back out of the forest. There are thousands, and they're scurrying towards the commotion.


Not very bright at all, diet aside. How good are they at doing anything when she's invisible?


That doesn't seem to affect their behavior at all. They can't be blind, because of the interest in light, but they must mostly hunt by smell or sound, because they keep coming.


What if she's inaudible?


Now they're kind of lost; some still head in her direction, but less fixedly, and they've stopped leaping out of the trees at her.

Huh. If she ever feels like exterminating all the spiders she will hunt them from a bubble of silence, then.

She gets herself a nice heap of spider corpses by her canopy hole and climbs it and leaps out into the air, turning into a quiet, quiet bird and heading out.

The canopy looks the same as it did before the adventure.


She circles back until she finds a tree that hurts to look at, which she lands short of. Golden bellflowers?

Visible through the trees a short distance away.

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