ione reads the cliffs notes on the continuity
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Ione gets back to the Prime Material and checks in with the others. They are all very stressed and busy. Apparently the convention managed to go to shit in under a week, which is really much faster than she was expecting it to take. She borrows Naima's earrings and gets some tips on topics to listen for, then settles in to hear what people have been saying around Westcrown since she left.

The first topic she inquires about is the convention.

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"—do you think they're going to let us go home now—"


"—and you wouldn't believe how much he offered me if I'd just go along with everything he said—"


"—all voted that we should have to keep paying taxes—"


"- still paying us for the gap?"


"- not done with the Great Work, but resuming it later; when it's concluded we should do our own -"


"- Can you believe the audacity of these animals, now that the archmage is enabling them -"


"- when it's over, yeah, I'll probably go back to doing mail, since they didn't want to let me have a temple -"


"- half a mind to quit the committee if it's still even meeting after -"


"I cannot imagine what inspired someone who lived through this in Galt to deliberately inflict it on others."


"- they're surprisingly observant, either he just brought the best ones or the reclamation soldiers actually are better than the Chelish army -"


"- lets me meet some really interesting and varied people!"


"No, I won't dictate you the whole letter, it's private, just tell me how you spell 'convention' -"


"—we're trying, but... it might be too much for us."


"- would have been so awkward if we'd been of two minds over something on the floor, wouldn't it -"


"- kidnappers, thieves, and only not murderers because if you're in charge you get to call it an execution -"


"- used to be an archon, and I'm not sure mortality agrees with him -"


"—of course they're not doing anything for us, they invite in a bunch of thieves and thugs and we're the ones who suffer for it—"


"- responsible to the Law and to Abadar in my conduct, but the circumstances are highly adverse -"


"- was really hoping for more shoulder-rubbing between classes, but -"


"- doesn't even have windows that open -"


"—no, there's not a discount for delegates, I don't care what the fucking Galt café is doing—"


"- some evidence that the powers that be are not all in agreement on who counts as a Chelish person, or citizen, or subject, or whatever the term in vogue might be -"


"- gives us not an inkling what it is we need to do to please our captors -"



" - and I don't know if it's selfish to ask You to protect Victoria and Alicia, when You are busy with more important things, but if there's anything at all that could save them, help me see it -"


"—No, that is Assuredly Nonsensical. Pay Heed to the Purpose of a Constitution—"

Total: 86
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