ione reads the cliffs notes on the continuity
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"- how long is it supposed to last? If there is any power that can hear my heartfelt prayers, not one week longer."

          "The overtime pay is nice."

"I am sick of hanging stupid men who made it twenty years just fine in a society that told them to not commit murder and arson and made it less than one week in a society that tells them, with great fervor, whatever anyone at all happens to think of saying."



"And what was your understanding of what a constitutional convention was, when you were first told you were responsible for hosting delegates for it?"


" - certainly didn't bring any of their servants back from the dead, nor give their orphans so much as a silver to bury them -"


" - no different than we should have expected, really. Thrice-damned southerners, and Galtans!"


" - all these people with no prior experience ruling, it would've taken a miracle to have any semblance of order or reason, and what god -"


" - all going to vote it down immediately if it sounds like we're asking for everyone to get five unicorns and a sustaining spoon -"


"I don't think they've executed anyone who hasn't even talked. I think if you don't ever talk you're safe."


" - I cannot promise to summon a feast each day after the convention reconvenes, I will not have enough hours in the day, between that and doing all I can to see the harvests succeed -"


" - thought the riots were over and we could have some peace, but no, let's drag every monster and madman here to come relive Galt -!"


“-and then I said, why don’t we send the tax collectors into the forest to see if the druids pay them in acorns and leaves, -“


“- at which point they revived me. At least the library didn’t get burned, and the downtime has given me time to start reading A Brief History of-“


“—Don’t care who’s a tiefling and who’s not, you don’t pull a knife on a child! No, I’m not sorry, you can—“


"I want to give goodberries to people and you're all people but if you keep telling me that squirrels aren't people I swear to Gozreh I'm this close to going back and giving them to the squirrels instead -"


" - great way to sort the wheat from the chaff, as I see it. Give people a stage to speak from and half of them will apparently confess to treason just because it gets cheers from the crowd."


" - see the necessity of protective tariffs? You are not a half-literate sailor or a teenage girl with pretensions, you're a respectable man of means, surely you - "


"- and I pray that you keep him safe in the Summerlands.

Please, let- let him not be in-"


"-Brought us here to needle the Evil nobles. The riots were a fucking disaster and Evil, obviously, no! -I'm just saying that if we all sit silently it'll just go right back to-"


"-suppose the Queen's promise of reforms doesn't bind them tight, they're half useless urban and not Lawful. We'll be fine-"


"-Queen stopped shipments out, some nonsense excuse, but it started with the rain. Maybe she's more decent than we thought, for tallfolk."


"—just want to get out of here until they get sick of playing Galt, but the ports are closed—"


"- helping get people out of the country but I won't help convention delegates, I don't want an archmage after me. Just look for an arcane mark, if they have one you tell 'em we're not messing with Cotonnet's personal property -"


Mind Blank (up at present even though her mother has to cast it for her every few days so that Riudare, newly inspired to wonder what she's up to, can't find out) blocks divinations. If Lilia's niece wants to know what Lilia thinks of the state of the city she'll have to come by and ask in person.


"- can't think of a better way to stop the mess they started by dragging illiterate peasants in to make speeches than drowning us all -"


"-no, I like the urchins. We never used to have urchins in the evil lair before the Constitutional Convention, and it definitely makes up for all the work-"


"- don't know what I'm going to do if she cracks down on the Freedom of the Pen, I've only gotten to interview a tiny fraction of the delegates so far -"

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