ione reads the cliffs notes on the continuity
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"- the price of paper has skyrocketed from all of these insane and illegal pamphlets! And all the wizards are off making copies of them instead of more reliable, honest work. Not a thought to preserving proper literature if this city goes up in flames, again -"


"—don't see why you're being so unreasonable about this, I had an insurance policy with your church, all I'm asking is to add on an arson policy—"


"—doesn't need to be difficult. Just hand over your stipend for the week and no one has to get hurt—"


"- easy to rip off the hicks when they have convention money in their pockets -"

"- swear the girl is like a beacon to every scoundrel for miles around and there are extras in town, delegates -"

"- can't quite tell if Delegate is polite or impolite or polite unless they're a noble and then you still have to know their title -"

"- wouldn't work for one of those out of town trouble magnets if they paid me twice the going rate -"


"-it's looking challenging to get something that will reassure Jackdaw. Though Ser Cansellarion is unexpectedly favorable on the structure of government, I should see if we can coordinate-"


"--Disappointed, honestly, I thought the point was to make the country Good, and some of the committtees I'm on seem to get the picture, but uch--"


“-the Archduke’s thinking right on this, no use in bringing up issues far in the future, he probably already has a plan for it and I can't figure out a way to say it that doesn't sound bad and I forgot to sign up for that committee so let him - wait, but what if their heir never inherits!  But that sounds even-"


"—delegates? I'm sick of delegates crowding every street, buying every house, burning the city all the time. Thousands of them—"


"Don't worry. We'll kill them all some day. We'll get them back for Mama. But right now, we need to focus on staying together- Remember the plan. You distract him, I'll grab the bread."


"-sortition seemed like a terrible idea, but if the two on Rights are any indication it was better than I thought. Three more like them that I haven't noticed and it's probably worth the whole nonsense." (He's talking to himself, which you can probably tell from his voice.)


“So I just had the laundry wizard cast the mark spell on my hand, most people can’t tell the difference. I get discounts, watch doesn’t mess with me, and I even got some noble to buy my vote!”


Ione is pretty unclear what some of these things have to do with the convention, but the earrings always did have their quirks. She switches to listening on the topic of delegates.


“—knows Galtans are mad, of course, but when you can’t even trust the archmage to want humans writing his bloody precious constitution—“


"- all very well to say we'd be represented when there are hundreds of delegates in there with no interest in listening who can outvote any coalition that actually converses -"


"- absolutely no standards of decorum or law -"


“—did execute the man, thank Chaldira—“


"- don't know where these people came by the impression we've got our own orphanage, talked to a delegate the other day who'd picked up a kid and thought we'd, what, have a portal to the Summerlands under our pillows -"


"—nobody makes me feel like you do- and if you voted with me to double the Delegate weekly stipend, you could afford me all the time—"


"—steal and murder from normal guys like us. It's like they're not even smart enough to know they're supposed to pretend."


"-druid is surprisingly reasonable, though the Ravounel one is a foolish child. Better than the Paralictor from the Chain, hopefully the new knight-"


"- let me sleep on his roof so I'd listen to his political opinions, but I'm crashing on a boat now to get out of the rain and I can't remember a one of the political opinions if I'm perfectly honest -"


"- scattered us to the winds, I haven't seen any of the others since then -"


"- rooming with another delegate, we get along just famously -"


"- surprisingly reasonable for a druid, I feel having her present as a delegate rather expanded my worldview; she said she'd look into it -"


"- the elected from Ostenso, would you believe it, has never set foot in the theater! -"

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