Fernando applies for a job
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Fernando has almost no idea how valeting works, but he's figured out how to land a ray of frost in a (wooden) cup of water without shattering the cup and 8 gold pieces a week is a solid salary.  So he's waiting to meet Aniol Reixach de Juncosa in the magnificent mansion he tracked him down to.

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Aniol has a suite of rooms in the Mansion which are very empty with only him and the Unseen Servants and the occasional look-in from one of Carlota's humans. "Hello, you're here about the cantrip job?"


He said cantrip job, not valet job, that's excellent!

"Yes Sir, I am."

Is he supposed to wait to be spoken to or take the initiative and start providing information?  He should have tried to figure out more about etiquette ahead of time!  He'll be silent for now, he would probably stutter anyway.


"First thing, you should probably be aware that I am seeking to replace my prior wizard because the one I brought with me from home died in the attack on the house I was staying in, the night of the riots. I think this place is more defensible, but I do not know how long the good Duchess's hospitality will extend."


"My condolences.  I specialize in conjuration, and thus I can cast mage armor and infernal healing (without any evil material component) so hopefully I would prove valuable should events repeat themselves."

He's kind of overlooking the danger to himself... he'll think about the risk if it looks like he is close to getting the job, then sabotage himself if it is too risky.


"The reason I have historically employed a wizard as a valet is because I have an absolutely terrible weakness for frozen desserts; do you know how to make them with Ray of Frost?"


Fernando forgot about the desserts portion, he had just been practicing making ice!  He can adapt though!

"I've been practicing my finesse with Ray of Frost in response to your ad.  I have the delicacy to avoid shattering the the wooden bowls and cups I've been practicing with while making ice on the spot."

That was the line he memorized, now to adapt.

"I assume for dessert purposes, as opposed to mere ice, there is some attention to pay to the texture of the resulting frozen snack?  From my practice so far I assume it requires some attention to the rate of freezing and to churning the snack as it freezes?  Uh..."

He has a spark of inspiration!

"I brought the bowl and cups I've been practicing with, and have a water skin I brought for demonstration purposes.  Is there a flavor you would like?  And you may specify the sweetness and texture of the ice!"

He really hopes he can pull this off.  Probably with the Queen changing up the nobility he won't be beaten particularly badly if he fails?  He has an infernal healing in any case and anything that requires more than an infernal healing might not be permissible under the new Queen's rules for nobility?  He should have figured those out before coming here.  Well, he is a delegate, he can complain at the palace if he is injured more than one healing requires.


"Have you ever had lime? It's a bit exotic, but you only need to try it once to Prestidigitate it, or so I understand."


He can do this.  Well not lime, but this interview in general.

"I'm afraid I have not, but it is of a category with lemon, yes?  I can do an array of variations on lemon and you can indicate which one gets closest?  …I can even do a gradation of flavors across the dimensions of a single serving of dessert and then you can indicate where on it my flavoring is closest."


"Oh, well now that you've gone and said that I shall have to try the gradation of flavors, that sounds exquisite."


"Shall I go ahead then?"

He gets out a wooden bowl and a water skin.


He practiced making the ice solid, hard, and clear, so if he does the opposite of that perhaps he can make it soft and smooth?  He already has his prestidigitation up, so with a stylistic flourish he agitates the water slightly.  He cast his first ray of frost, choking back on the power as much as he can without losing the spell entirely.  It forms a solid bit of ice in the middle, which he prestidigitates back to liquid and mixes into the rest of the water.  Another ray of frost.  Another round of melting the ice and stirring with his prestidigitation.  The water should be just above freezing so he pushes the limits of his prestidigitation to push it back under freezing... and it's frozen.

He's good at coloring and flavoring.  He makes the center lemon yellow and solidly lemon flavored.  He makes the yellow brighten along one direction and darken along another which he correspondingly flavors as growing sweeter in one direction and more sour along another.  He recolors stripes off the center, a blue stripe for blueberry, a purple for raspberry.  On the other side he gets more experimental, with stripes color coded green and orange with novel fruity flavors he hopes might land near lime.

...And he forgot a spoon.  And conjuring small objects is (ironically given his focus as a conjurer) one of his weak points in his prestidigitation, a spoon he makes out of thin air won't hold up past a single use and be barely big enough to hold anything.

"Along this axis, Sir" he gestures along the bright-dark gradation "I've made it vary from almost cloyingly sweet at one edge to puckeringly sour on the other, with a proper lemon level in the center.  And along this other axis I've colored blue for blueberry, purple for raspberry,  yellow for properly lemon, and green and orange for my guesses at lime, with some mixing of flavors at the edges."

"And I apologize Sir, I appear to have forgotten to bring a spoon.  I can conjure small spoons with my prestidigitation but I'll need to replace it almost every scoop."


Aniol turns to the last known location of an Unseen Servant. "Fetch a spoon," he tells it; the door opens and then closes again.


He could use this time to talk himself up some more... but he's pretty sure servants (like valets) are supposed to do a 'speak when spoken to' type of thing?  He'll wait patiently for any specific questions or comments from the nobleman.


"And am I correct in presuming that you have enough command of Prestidigitation and Mending to maintain a wardrobe and manage the occasional bent spoon or spill on a rug?"


"Indeed, yes Sir."




"You look familiar."


“Perhaps you saw me at the convention?  I should ah… uh mentioned sooner, I’m not available to begin full time employment until uh the convention ends.  As to your ad requirements, I am of course voting in a Lawful Good, but moderate direction I really don’t see as particularly political.”

His stutter is back.


"...since I am also a delegate, I fear there might - ah." The unseen servant is back with the spoon, and he accepts it out of the air. "- might be some conflict, nothing foreseeable now except by general principle but the general principle does concern me, were I to employ you."


Fernando doesn’t quite follow?  Is the problem that they would cheat off each others’ answers?  Or does being a fellow delegate narrow the gap in social standing too much for Fernando to be employed as servant?  

He nods along anyway.

“That hadn’t quite occurred to me but I see the sense now that you point it out directly.  Well, I suppose I can check with you after the convention is over to see if you’ve found a replacement wizard-valet?  I’m sure you’ll see at least a few qualified candidates with the rates you’re offering, but perhaps they won’t match my skills at frozen dessert?”

And that gives him time to research the nobility, and this nobleman in particular, some more.


He will taste the dessert, make approving noises, and send Fernando on his way with a vague hope for the swift conclusion of the convention.


The money is good enough Fernando wouldn’t mind if the convention lasted for years (especially if he streamlines selling spells on the side).  But he nods at that and goes on his way.

Making that frozen dessert has got him thinking about if he can can compete with other laundry wizards selling cold drinks on the side before the convention resumes.

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