do you know what would improve this situation? domestic terrorism
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They've been capturing more slave ships on the high seas leaving Cheliax for Absalom, Katapesh, Taldor. They've also been missing more, because volume is up in general. The people of Cheliax are worried their government might ban slavery and the rich want to get even richer by condemning as many hundreds of people to torment and death as they can make a penny for. Andira despises them. She also despises attempting to capture the ships at sea. Slavers will throw slaves overboard, when they see pirates coming, so they can claim they carried only other cargo. They'll also fucking throw slaves overboard just because they didn't bring enough food. 

Word has it that Cheliax is abolishing slavery soon. Very soon. All you need to do is stop them shipping every slave in Westcrown out before they do it. They have spies in Westcrown's harbor. It wasn't that hard; a lot of places were hiring, shortly after the war. They have solid suspicions about who's attempting to ship out slaves. Those ships just need to meet some unfortunate delays at port. A week's delays, to buy a couple thousand lives. 

She doesn't go herself, of course. She is of Andoran; that would be an act of war against an ally. And Codwin's going to demand to know if she did it and she will need to be able to say that she absolutely did not, and would not have.

She just makes all of these observations in solemn council with her Eagle Knights and half a dozen of them do decide to go and do it. 

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It's still raining torrentially in Westcrown at night, but if anything that's a good thing; it means there's less security out on the dock. It also makes it kind of hard to find the targeted ships but honestly they're not being that worried about getting the wrong ships. The thing is that the slave traders will try to rebook, if some ships are still operational. If it's big enough to be oceangoing not shore-hopping it's fair game. 

They get to the first one and go below decks, Air Bubble up, and spread around alchemist's fire.


"Hey, that stuff's really flammable, you should be more careful with it."

(summon firefighters)


Oh fuck. 


"It's a slave ship. Better for it to burn." Sometimes people even agree with them about this. If they don't, they can take a merciful pike to the chest.


"Oh, you're only burning slave ships? How are you checking?"


Ah good a reasonable person. "Someone who works on the manifests and fees tipped us off. They're gonna use these ships to send hundreds of people to their deaths tomorrow. Just gotta keep them in port until slavery ends in Cheliax."


"Oh, what's the plan for un-burning the ships after?"


"What's your plan for un-murdering the hundreds of people the ships are going to drag off to their deaths?"


"I will simply travel back in time and recommend that the Queen order the port closed until after the Constitutional Convention holds its vote on slavery.




Oh look, I guess that's going to work, here's a port authority order to that effect."




...they will examine it very suspiciously. 

        "Fuck yes."

"Maybe she's not so bad after all." 

                   "I could fake this in twenty minutes with my bad hand."

"Is there any reason to think this is real?"


There are copies plastered all over the wharf you freedom-fighting arsonist morons.

"Either it's real or someone had enough forewarning about your intended arson to compose a fake port authority notice and hire a seventh-circle spellcaster to hide in the hold of the first ship you were planning to torch and politely inform you that your arson is unnecessary. If the captain of this ship had that much notice, and the port weren't really closed, don't you think he might've just left yesterday?"


"It takes time to make deals and move people and crew and load ships. We know people were making those deals. If your Queen shut that down, good."

      "Monarchies are still a bunch of bullshit, though."

           "Not right now, Cat."


"So are we all agreed that we're not setting fire to this ship to stop the shipment of salt cod to Demirah?"



"We'll leave, and go check out the port stoppage, and if slaves aren't being shipped out of here there'll be no problems. - thanks, if it's not a forgery."


"Well, actually, after you check out the port stoppage and confirm to your satisfaction that it's genuine I'm going to arrest you. On charges of attempted arson."


"Mmmhmm." They're gonna be out of here long before that.


Sure they are. Which one's the teleporter?

"Up the ladder, ladies and gentlemen."


The girl recently scolded as 'Cat' for her anti-monarchy opinions. She'll take the others' hands as they get back to the upper deck.


Yeah ok, just so long as it's not boots.


Nope just a standard wizard's Teleport.




Cat turns around to glare incredulously at her.


Then someone will attempt the Merciful pike to the chest.


Oh, look at her, dodging a merciful pike.

"Really this will go slightly better for you if you don't attack officers of the law when they try to arrest you."


"Your country allows slavery. Your law isn't worth respecting and isn't worth enforcing." These experienced fairly scary adventurers really still expect they can take down a single wizard in melee. She's a wizard, in sword's range, and outnumbered five to one. 


They might have to hit her first.

"Arson's a crime in Andoran, too, you know. Last warning."


      "Never committed arson in Andoran, personally."  


               "Never been to Andoran, personally."


"Or what? You just said you're going to arrest us, you'll arrest us more?"

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