The raised eyebrow of SHAWIL SON OF ABADAR, as is well known, causes the Disfavor of His Mother, Abadar, to fall upon that upon which his gaze is fixed, most often manifesting in the unfortunate target of such ire being transformed into Coinage, Bank-Drafts, or in one especially dire case a Promissory Note.

The raised eyebrow of FABRICATOR ARCHMAGE JULIEN CAMILLE ÉLIE COTONNET causes Ruin to Merchants of Cloth for one, and has been observed to cause the poor subject to unravel into thread of Fine Tien Silk.

The raised eyebrow of his wife the HEALER ARCHMAGE NAAMAH causes Healing, and when she is Wrathful causes such healing that the blood itself bursts forth with great and fatal force.

The raised eyebrow of the mysterious daughter of Azlant IOUN DE JARDIN causes her Loyal Pet, BLACK BUTTERFLY the shadowed daughter of DESNA herself, to maul the poor unfortunate with great force, leaving only IOUN STONES inedible even to a Demigod-Pet as his corpse.

The raised eyebrow of ALEXANDRIA CANSELLARION, QUEEN OF LASTWALL, simply causes IOMEDAE to descend from Heaven and smite the recipient of her wrath.

The raised eyebrow of the QUEEN is the most fearsome by far, for none who have witnessed it either live or are to be found in any plane. Perhaps her gaze is the very Final Blade itself?

Righteously fear the raised eyebrows of the QUEEN and her companions!