The blessed archhealeress NAIMA has RESTORED all delegates of the Constitutional Convention who PERISHED in the most recent troubles to LIFE. In this as all things we see her GENEROSITY and GOODNESS, and we REJOICE that such a woman has come to Westcrown.

Yet GOOD MEN still lie DEAD in the streets, and DEAD they shall remain should the archhealeress not interfere. I speak here not of those men who by their OWN WICKEDNESS brought about their deaths, by taking up ARMS against men under the QUEEN'S protection. But there are many INNOCENT men, who through no fault of their own were targeted by VILE MOBS who SLANDERED them with CALUMNIES. These men are NO LESS DESERVING of renewed life than those delegates who perished alongside them.

I need not mention how CHILDREN number among the dead, nor PRIESTS OF IOMEDAE, nor VIRTUOUS NOBLEMEN returned from HEAVEN ITSELF. Why should such men be any less deserving of life than the delegates? By what justification do those delegates who perished — doubtless among them many rioters — now prowl the city once more, while the INNOCENT DEAD must lie forevermore in waiting?

It was not the people of WESTCROWN who invited the MAD DELEGATES to our city; why should WE suffer for their CRIMES? Return the INNOCENT to life; only then can it truly be said that justice has been done.