Blai in Oerth
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"I am required to have fun at least once a month," says Blai dryly. "I will stop him if he tries to prevent me from doing that."


Kat laughs, all at once. "I might borrow that, if you don't think the Inheritor will mind."


"I can't imagine She would."


"I appreciate it. Anyway, he's not... following a procedure, really. He wants nice things for people and doesn't want to do things that hurt them, and that's something that he knows can hurt people, so he isn't going to want to do it. I could probably talk him into it if it's really what's best for you but I'd have to be surer of that myself, first, and there's still his religion to factor in."


"I certainly don't mean to ask him to do anything that's against his religion."


"Do you think doing it that way is what's best for you?"


"Leaving the itinerary in his hands while i am in my first week on a foreign planet where I have locally unprecedented abilities the efficient use of which I require his transit assistance for? Yes, I don't see how it could be an improvement for me to - what would I be doing without him, I suppose I'd have made my way to a library and - you don't even have Abadarans, I have no idea where I would get a loan sufficient to cover the teleportation even if it were expected the channels would make enough to cover it -"


"We have banks but you don't want a loan, for that, you get the Shining One's church to pay for it. That wasn't my point, though; there's no doubt in my mind that he'll make sure you have the Teleports for that. The question is what happens the rest of the time."


"He can really just leave me somewhere the reusable orisons are useful. I don't require a lot of company."


"All right, I expect he won't mind that. And until he's comfortable leaving you alone that long, do you want to handle things any way in particular?"


"- is there a way you could rephrase the question?"


"If you had today to do over, with the same constraints - so, he can't just leave you with the Pelorians all day without an unpleasant misunderstanding - what would you want him to do, how would you choose to have him handle it?"



"I think it would be nice to have the itinerary in writing to consult. Maybe first thing in the morning after prayers, and I can come up with any constraints that affect it then, and then just carry it out."


"He might need to change it during the day if something comes up, but aside from that I think he'll be all right with doing it that way for a while."


"Of course if something comes up the plan can change, that's always the way."


"All right. Do you want me to talk to him about that, or would you like to do it, or neither?"


"...It might be instructive to watch you speak to him."


"All right. Is there anything else you think we should talk about, or that you'd like to, before I ask him back in?"



"Since I am forbidden to lie it would probably be prudent to go over some things I am concerned may come up in conversation such that I will not have a prepared response, but I don't know if you're the right person to ask this of."


"It's not a problem I see often but I don't mind giving it a look."




"I am a recent convert to my current religion. This is because until its recent conquest by a party of archmages my country was ruled by the king of Hell. He dropped all of His clerics - possibly some exceptions but I wouldn't know - some time after the conquest. I spent twenty years His."


She is maybe going to need a minute with that one. The correct response in the moment seems obvious, though. "Would you like a hug."




"All right. I'm sorry if that was - forward, or something, it's just that words aren't often enough for things that weighty. I imagine you're concerned about - upsetting people, scaring them, having them think poorly of you? I'm inclined to take you at face value, if you're worried about that; a Lawful Good god wouldn't have chosen you if you were a bad person and that's not a lie you'd be able to keep going for very long."


"Most of my concern about it by volume has been that I will be cornered by a gnome and forced to explain it, but it is also potentially embarrassing in other situations, yes."

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