Calling a prime to deal with a wandering monster is appropriate enough. She killed a bear that was menacing people, once.
The snake thing is just faster than she expects and before she's resolved to kill it it's on her.
The man starts gesturing as if to catch her but then aborts it to stay far enough away.
The dark shaft where the glass tube through which this room is rising is inserted gives way to a much more open area. It has chairs and people and glass screens with moving pictures and a full quarter of the area is dedicated to something that's probably a store of some kind, selling all sorts of colorful thematic stuff like mugs, detailed-looking dolls, life-sized pictures of people in costumes, various contraptions that are probably toys given the way children are handling them...
The moving room continues to move and eventually she can't see that room anymore and it gives way to a corridor. The door opens again, and the man strides out into it.
There are many doors, but the corridor is wide and pleasant enough. He picks one door, seemingly at random, and walks into it. There's enough space in it for her to choose a corner and stay rather comfortably far from anyone else. There's a long table with several chairs, a glass screen on one wall, a window that looks out into the ocean on the opposite wall, and various snacks and drinks on the actual table. He walks in and gives her enough space to do the same without getting too close.
He gestures at the food and says something inviting, then hikes a thumb in the direction of the door and points at himself.
"Thanks." She goes and inspects the food; the ring of fire disappears whenever it would touch something.
What a well-behaved ring of fire. The man leaves and closes the door.
Food includes: various breads and pastries, a few different types of fruit, and some sweet things. Drinks include: juice, water, coffee, and milk.
She takes some pastry and fruit and milk. Her pastry steams gently after she picks it up. Some of the fruit goes icy.
After a few minutes the armored man returns and looks... like he's thinking how to communicate something complicated.
She has to do a little math in fire-numbers to figure out how long a time he's indicating, but yes.
Awesome. He says some more stuff with confusing gestures then grabs a pen and a notebook from a drawer under the table. He points at himself. "Armsmaster." Then points at the screen. "Television." Then points at the table. "Table." Then he writes those nouns on the notebook and offers it to her.
"I don't know your alphabet," she points out, but she puts down transliterations and Welchin (where she has Welchin; not all these objects are familiar).
He nods as she does that, then points at his head and then makes an expansive gesture above it while looking at the ceiling.