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He takes another sip of coffee.


Ari promptly hugs Peter with crushing force. Peter bears this with dignity.


"Jane, if you'd see if Lazarus is available for a consult?"


[Hey Lazarus!]



[New world - Penninah got lost in it via Milliways mishap. Somebody for the Griffins to maybe decontaminate if you give the okay. Other interesting magic to look at. This a good time?]


[Reasonably good, yes.] He turns up at the local Janepoint.




"Goodness," says Lazarus, peering around at everyone and everything.

It's very bright.

The whole place is warded, of course. The wards are brutal and efficient, but very fair; what you put in, you get out. Knocking on the door might feel a bit harder than usual, a crowbar to the lock would be nasty but nonfatal, trying to shoot your way in would be... unwise.

Almost everything is glowing with some magic or another. The mirror links up to the mirrors in Ari and Sally and Peter's pockets, the scattered jewelry all burns with various effects, Sally's face (covered with various piercings) looks like a road flare. The three wizards in the room are obviously powerful, especially in their areas of expertise. There's a closet over there that's warded heavily inward, full of nasty magic things. Speaking of nasty magic, Peter's magic looks distinctly unpleasant. He should get that looked at.

"Goodness," he repeats, now peering exclusively at Peter. "Um."

"Give it to me straight, Doc," he says gravely.

It looks like... evil. Like a little seed of evil was planted, and it's blossomed into a great big patch of evilflowers. He did something, something wrong, and it latched onto him and started to turn him into the kind of person who did that more, and then the kind of person who did worse and worse things. It's not in its final stages, whatever those might be, and it's clear he's been fighting it, but it's not nice. And there's hints, in the pattern of those evil little flowers, of what the end stages might be. From playing with death to killing for his own ends; from killing to searching for knowledge he was not meant to know; from searching to doing. Doing the bidding of what lies beyond.

He may note, at this point, that this is not the only layer of this world. And if he squints, he may note that the layer behind it has remarkably flimsy walls. And- he should probably stop squinting, after that.

"...Oh dear," says Lazarus. "Well, first of all, you have been doing bad magic that wants you to do more bad magic and someone should probably get a Griffin and clean that up for you. But more importantly, this world has deeply terrifying magical problems. Glass, did you not notice the deeply terrifying magical problems? Does no one know about the deeply terrifying magical problems? Someone should do something about the deeply terrifying magical problems."


"...I'd rated the place as loosely Sunshine-similar," says Glass. "But you're the specialist, here - what are you seeing?"


"If only one Griffin, which, and are these deeply terrifying magical problems such that we shouldn't be just standing around here?" wonders Angela.


"I did mention the sea of horrible sanity-rending monsters, correct? I distinctly recall mentioning that. Anyway, they haven't gotten in so far."


"Either will do, both would be better, Keziah is slightly more relevant," says Lazarus. "There is certainly a sea - well, an entire subworld - of horrible monsters. My power won't even look directly at them. I have never met something my power refused to look at before. But I can see enough of their properties indirectly to be extremely worried. The situation is stable, there is a barrier between here and there, but it's not a terribly impressive barrier and if something damaged it enough the consequences would be dire."


"How damageable is it, how amenable is the barrier to wished improvements, is there likely to be anything worth not destroying about the subworld of horrible monsters, if not will a tenner do it, how do our wards stack up if we try to approach to investigate, likewise torching? Jane, go ahead and ask Keziah and Céleste over, notify Rose."

Keziah shows up first.

"Yikes," she says to Peter. "I'm here to fix that, right? I want to fix that. Céleste will help."

"Torching remains torching, they couldn't destroy you, but they could make you extremely uncomfortable," says Lazarus. "I would not trust your wards against the horrible monsters. They are very infinite and very horrible and seem to be able to circumvent most magic by default. Wished improvements could improve the barrier but I am not sure they would improve it enough. I cannot see anything worth saving about the subworld of horrible monsters. I think a tenner would probably work, but I think it would be a very, very good idea to check with the Downside admin about whether this world can be properly linked to her afterlife before trying it, in case something goes wrong. And if she says it can't, then I recommend evacuating the universe and sending in someone who doesn't mind being potentially trapped in an infinite sea of horrible monsters to try the tenner."


"I can go ask her. Easier to point out the world if I torchable somebody first or bring a native along. Who wants to be really, really immortal?"


"Wait," says Peter in something of a panic. "We're destroying the Outsiders? Without even considering how we could use them to our advantage? Do you have any idea of the kind of power contained in the Void? Think of what we could do!"


"Blech," says Keziah, and she lunges for Peter, reaching for his head.

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