Lawless evildoers have befouled the streets of Westcrown this month, which should have been a blessed one, and we must learn the Lessons of previous chaos in Westcrown if we are ever to know peace. 

Her Majesty is of course the wisest, noblest, and most Good queen ever to reign, and in her infinite compassion and mercy she imagines that the rioters deserve a swift and clean death. But this only encourages them, for what man fears a quick death? What man fears blissful oblivion in a Final Blade? I will not call for an end to the Final Blades, as there are none upon whom I would wish the Fires Of Hell, but people ought to fear their deaths, or they will run towards it like fools. Executions should be slow and terrible, and last at least a day, and be protracted further to account for the magnitude of the crime, that the public can witness the might of Her Majesty and so that those who contemplate treason learn from the example of those who have committed it. With this policy we will swiftly have peace in our city. 


This policy has the Advantage that a person who has already made their life Forfeit can suffer worse punishment still. For cases of Murder a man should suffer one day for each life he took, so that even when he is long since damned it is better for him to cease his evil Ways. As for traitors, they should suffer for the WHOLE REIGN OF THE QUEEN, to by their example inspire wisdom and obedience in the rest of us.