Temple in Cardverse
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Apparently not.


He writes another "Light, come forth as I call upon your power to grant me enlightenment. Grant my eyes the power to sense magic just like it was light" scroll, then a scroll with just "Water" and casts the first scroll to compare what the "Water" scroll and TFWS scrolls look like.

Then he will write:

"Light, come forth as I call upon your power to grant me enlightenment. Grant me the power to see my own magic and its strenght just like light allows me to see my own reflection."

"Light, come forth as I call upon your power to grant me enlightenment. Grant me the power to see any magic my own or others', weak or strong, close or distant, simple or complex, drawing from any element or source. Give me the vision to perceive magic just as well as I see light!"


The two scrolls don't look different at all to his magic-vision, and the two new spells he tries to scroll don't take.


Sigh. Maybe it's a property of magic inside people? Or he can only perceive magic outside himself?

Actually, he isn't at all sure other people have magic. Certainly someone else tried the kind of things he did, billions tried variations of what he did. He can't be the only one that got it right, can he? His internet search on that book remains unconclusive. Urgh.

Okay, what he is going to do now is go out for a bit and search for groups of people and cast the "Light, come forth as I call upon your power to grant me enlightenment. Grant my eyes the power to sense magic just like it was light" spell quietly to himself and see if any of them turns out to be magical under this spell. He will try that for an hour and change tactics if no one turns out to be magical.





Someone turns out to be magical! There's this boy returning from school, glowing in a different way than the two scrolls.


(Oh my magic, he is cute.)

Temple approachs the cute magical boy.

"Hello, I am Temple. Sorry for bothering you, but do you mind talking for a minute or so?"


"...uh, sure, I'm not busy," he says, but doesn't stop walking.


Temple follows. He takes a notebook and pen from a pocket (which he was carrying in case of emergency scrolling).

"You can treat this as an amateur survey. Don't be weirded out by the questions: First, do you believe in magic? And if yes, why so?"


"Sure, 'cause I can shapeshift since I was a baby," he says somewhat sarcastically.


Temple takes a look at him in surprise, then grins. "Cool, and I can do things like make the wind do my biding."


"That's nice," he replies neutrally.


"Of course, I said this is just an amateur survey. So the thing I am going to do next is clearly a trick."

He takes out a TFWS scroll and casts it quietly.




"Uh huh."


Temple will just smile at Sadde.


Sadde notices he has stopped walking. He resumes walking.

"So I'm Sadde, by the way. Why are you talking to me?"


"Magic detection! Just came up with it... I have been haphazardly testing things and I was trying to see my own magic, but couldn't and then decided to see if other people had magic, you are the first."

If Temple thinks that the plan "speak with the first magic person you meet" has any flaws, he definitely isn't showing it.


"Uh huh. I'm gonna need more evidence than that, though."


"Sure, what kind of evidence? I don't quite want to do anything more obvious than the scroll vanishing thing while in public like this... Maybe you could see if the magic detection works for you?"


"Um, if you think I can do this magic myself that'd actually be pretty compelling evidence yes...?"


"Oh, okay. Keep in mind I don't know if this works for you."

He writes a magic detection scroll and hands it to Sadde. Then he instructs the other on how to use it, warning about the "tug".





It works.







"Okaaaaay I was going home but I'm sure mom will love to know I just got somewhere with the magic thing."


Temple does not dance in public, but he does manage to convey the sentiment through sheer joy.

"This is so great! How far did you go with magic? You mentioned shape-shifting as a baby, is that true?"


"Yeah, though I never got any farther than that. It's, um, not very thorough, kinda intuitive, nothing—I'd never tried just saying things out loud with papers like that."


"Oh, I only discovered it because of a book. Not a magical book, it was a very sarcastic fantasy novel, where the author proposed the experiment of casting a spell as a means to disprove magic in the real world, except it did the opposite for me. I've been experimenting with magic since then. There this annoying energy or mana or fuel limitation problem that I am still trying to figure out or at least find a way to measure."


"I've never run into a mana problem by changing."

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