Here is a sea of grass and rolling hills, stretching far as the eye can see. Far to the east and west, past the fields of green and autumn-orange, mountain ranges rise up and past the clouds: cliffs to the heavens, climbing without end.
"You said you 'heard through mutual acquaintances that she was traveling'. Can you elaborate on that?"
"I was mailed a communication device with which I spoke to some Antinium acquaintances who among other things are interested in clerics. They told me Voyager Silverfang was traveling, which is an extremely normal thing for a Desnan to do so I didn't expect it to have any particular implications."
The Drake visibly pauses when he mentions Antinium acquaintances, but recovers.
"What is the specific date or dates you were told this, and was it mentioned to or from where she was traveling?"
"I don't remember. It wasn't far from 12 Elfebelfast but I didn't retain the names of the locations except that I guess I'd recognize them as names I'd ever heard if I encountered them again. I didn't have any reason to think it would be important later or I would have written it down."
"Was it any of Zeres, Oteslia, Manus, Salazsar, Pallass, Fissival, Liscor, Invrisil," and eleven more names read from a list?
"- well, she definitely started in Liscor some time ago, as that is where we met. Zeres sounds familiar but possibly only because... that's here... Manus sounds familiar. I think I've heard of Pallass. I am pretty sure I haven't heard of Invrisil or Fissival or" most of the eleven other names "before now."
"I do not know where she is now and do not have any abilities or information well-suited to locating her."
That's a very precisely worded response that isn't exactly what he asked.
"Who were the Antinium acquaintances that told you she was traveling, and how did they know that?"
The interviewer is trying not to show it, but Blai can tell he's distinctly perturbed by that answer.
"What was their, or your, business with her, such that the information of her traveling was relevant?"
"They're interested in clerics. We're not common here as we are on Golarion. At the time she was chosen she was the only cleric besides me in this entire world."
The Drake spends another minute writing.
"Is it in character for Voyager Silverfang, or for Desnans or Desna, to organize, or participate in, or aid or abet a prison break; or the exfiltration from the city of prisoners extracted thereby?"
"...I would say that is fairly in character for Desnans most particularly if there were something objectionable about the prisoners' treatment."
"Torturing them? Possibly - holding them for political rather than public safety reasons? Using them for labor maybe? I'm operating on a very thin layer of reputation, Voyager Silverfang is the only Desnan I have ever met in person." the same way ordinary imprisonment bears a resemblance to kidnapping?
"Did you aid or participate in, or do you know anyone to have aided or participated in, the escape of Zeresian prisoners on 12 Elfebelfast? Including Voyager Silverfang, if applicable."
"What is the relationship between Iomedae and Desna, and is it possible that Iomedae aided in the aforementioned events of the 12th?"
"They are both Good -" deities - no the sentence doesn't actually need a noun there - "and I expect that they occasionally cooperate on shared aims that are unambiguously Good and not areas of particular controversy between Law and Chaos, which would almost never include a prison break. Iomedae is so far as I am aware scaling back Her already conservative intervention following a costly victory on Golarion and I would very confidently expect that She has done nothing in this world besides giving me my magic and telling Desna the world exists."