A girl is climbing a mountain, all by herself, bundled up but short on climbing gear; if she falls she'll hit the ground.
Publishing things that were incorrect would be a bad idea, people might get confused. But using the shorter vowels on your own time is different. Some people just want to feel rebellious so they'lll use their preferred vowel lengths especially if you try to discourage them.
The linguistics guilds not speaking to each other really isn't usual, people usually get along better than they have been lately.
"Somebody not speaking to somebody else is kind of a - school-aged kid sort of conflict, here. The idea that it's a worrying amount of trouble on a societal level is..." Shrug.
Well, if our society got - like yours - we'd consider it a catastrophe, so it ...makes sense to be bothered by smaller things.
I think usually people just talk things through and then there aren't - society-wide disputes.
"Like... let's see, contemporary political divides... abortion? Gay rights stuff? Uh, slightly less radioactive topics include... taxes? Immi...gration? I'm not sure how radioactive immigration is."
"Uh, it's when someone is pregnant and has an induced miscarriage or if they're farther along something more surgical to stop being pregnant."
"...yes, the people who want this generally are either in some kind of medical danger such that they'd be in serious danger themselves if they continued the pregnancy often in such a way that the baby would die anyway, or got pregnant unintentionally and don't want to have a child then at all."
"We have birth control but it doesn't always work for various reasons including 'biological mishap' and 'humans are bad at things' and 'if you're not taking it, and someone rapes you, and you can't spontaneously die, things may happen as a result'. And then sometimes they can't afford to take care of a baby or just really don't want one or don't want one fathered by a rapist or whatever, and then the way we have to stop being pregnant early does involve killing the fetus, yes."
I do not like your world very much. I mean - I'm sure you're - doing your best with it - but -