A girl is climbing a mountain, all by herself, bundled up but short on climbing gear; if she falls she'll hit the ground.
"Well, we could show you more Earth stuff, we could start talking about finding someone to try to send you home in more detail..."
We should probably have that conversation more - thoughtfully, yeah.
He sighs and jumps out of the tree.
"So I looked up teleporters on the Junebugs' list. The most promising looking ones are the ones who don't have listed limitations - the listed limitations are things like range limits or needing to teleport to a similar place. There's one whose only listed limit is a cooldown time, though, he might work."
Well. We could try it. We could even try going somewhere the Valar won't immediately notice so then we can still consider whether to - involve them.
"That sounds like a good idea. Is there a way to do that and also get in touch with your family so they know you're okay?"
Not an obvious one? We could land somewhere outside the mountains where they aren't typically paying close attention but our family couldn't hear us from there. We could then head in, but the longer the teleporter was there the likelier someone would notice them.
"Some people just prefer more frequent contact with their families even if nothing threatening is about."