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amras and amrod in gemini

A girl is climbing a mountain, all by herself, bundled up but short on climbing gear; if she falls she'll hit the ground.

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And suddenly there are a couple people standing on a ridge over there. One of them yelps and steps backwards; the other catches him. They're identical. They're weirdly tall. And weirdly dressed. 

And blinking confusedly.

And - pointing and staring at the Sun? Directly at the Sun.

Hopefully they are not too distracting to the climber.


She double-takes, but doesn't slip.

"Hiiiii? You guys okay? Are you lost?"


He responds! In a completely different language. And also - sends something telepathically to the effect of 'I don't speak that one'.


He is still staring at the Sun. He looks confused and suspicious.


"Uh, don't look at the Sun, you'll go blind. Like really. Also wow I didn't think there were bonuses that did that? Are you new? You'll be all over the news. Bellaaaaa are there telepath twins? Yeah I didn't think so but - no really though -"


You'll go blind? What a stupid lighting setup - that doesn't even make any sense, why would you have lights you can't look at -


"Uh, it still, like, does daytime and all that good stuff. Do you literally not know what the sun is?"


I do not know what the sun is. We haven't got one. Where, uh, is this?


"Wwwwwwelcome to Earth? Bella they're aliens. There are Space Gemini on Mount Kilimanjaro. No don't they read minds or something but I might like converge here instead."


Usually osanwë works when people do not have a common language but more than half of those words didn't come through with accompanying concepts I could make any sense of and I am confused.


"Doooon't have a dictionary on me, sorry. Uh. Earth is here? Mount Kilimanjaro is... here-er?"


Okay. Aliens? Read minds? Converge here?


"Aliens means you're not from Earth and reading minds is how you'd be understanding me without speaking the language and converging is my bonus? Like, half of it, since I have to be split up to do it, but."


Do you not have your own osanwë? Are you not familiar with - you are supposed to manage the telepathy, which is a normal trait which everybody has, like so


"Nnnnnoooo that's just you dudes."


Uh. Okay. I can - stop, but then we won't be able to communicate until I have learned your language.


"I mean, Bella shouldn't meet you till you can cut it out, I'm less freaked out. Not like zero but less."


- okay. Uh, if Bella can hear you then she's almost certainly in osanwë range, unless your hearing is much better than ours.


"...Bella's my twin? So... no? I think?"


I think the sun emits energy at an intensity high enough to cause cell damage, he says, but looks like you can fix it, so it's not that poorly designed. It's also moving, is that intentional too?


"...intentional? The sun? The sun doesn't intend stuff."


I meant whoever put it there.


But really, as long as it moving and causing cell damage is ordinary, then it's not an immediate concern even if it was accidental or something.


"I have no idea what you are talking about."

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