A girl is climbing a mountain, all by herself, bundled up but short on climbing gear; if she falls she'll hit the ground.
"Humans need to eat several times a day to function well, that might also be a factor in the - farming disparity. Uh, and sleep. For about a third of every day."
"Well, how about we wander Vancouver till I need to sleep, and then introduce you to my mom, so you can stay over and not wind up meeting random humans who are less equipped than me to make first contact?"
"Cool. Lemme know if you have any questions." And she sets off in a direction.
She comments occasionally on things - guesses the ages of children, reads them signs. Experiments with communicating with them silently instead of translating spoken words via thought.
That works! They are delighted at children. They dutifully attempt the alphabet.
"It wasn't considered. Well, most of it, some of it is Noah Webster's fault, but it's not like British English which he was pivoting from is any better in this respect."
Our linguists have fights sometimes but over pronunciation; the spelling follows that.
"English does a lot of loan words, sometimes from languages that use the same alphabet so nobody re-spells it."
We have international conferences on sound changes too but I don't know what they're like, I haven't been. Passionate.
"...there aren't any conferences about Earth languages except I think French. They just happen."
"Quenya is a beautiful language because Elves find beauty very important!" he says in Quenya.
"The thing the linguistics guilds are quarrelling over is - the grasses grew in distant hills. the grasses grew in distant hills. the grasses grew in distant hills." But very slightly distinct each time; the vowel lengths is barely perceptibly different.
"It's just so - tiny. There are variations dramatically bigger than that between regions of the Anglosphere. Actors learn to put on different accents and some people speak a more standard form in some contexts? But the idea of arguing over whether some vowel should be yea long or yea long is cute."
Well, not everyone will do what they agree on anyway. Some people like to do their own thing. But I'm glad you think it's cute.
"I think France fines people for publishing things with unapproved uses of French in them or something. But only in France, the Québécois and various Africans can do what they want."