A perfect time for retribution
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The street in front of the house is pretty wide, I know how to aim, look how very unburned this neighborhood is -

"I realize."


"One idiot's sleeve catches fire, he runs into the house next door for cover -" he gestures. "You think your boss is bad, wait until you see what the Queen does if you try to burn her city down. If you ever, ever, ever cast fireball in a populated, urban area again? You had better pray that she's in one of her mercy-of-the-final-blade moods. But I doubt she will be."




One of the guards shouts out the window, "Do you have any clerics?  The Count of Gualter took a gut wound from one of the rioters, and isn't doing well."


"Godsdamnit!" He yells, "I can heal!" Where's the count?


The count is in the main common room near the entrance.  He has a stake in his gut, as well as several cracked ribs.  He is still crying; gently now.


Xavier will come in and stand over his liegeman.


His liegeman can get wand-bonked. "The stake can now be removed," he says, as the wound closes around it.


One of the guards removes the stake.  

Someone cured him, he should probably open his eyes and-Xavier?  And his sorceror?  After a small awkward pause -"Thank you for the healing, milord..."  He trails off.  He's not crying, but he's clearly restraining himself.


"Next time, put your armor on," says Xavier, the expression turning it from a reprimand into a don't-get-yourself-killed-you're-valuable. "A chain shirt, at least."


"You're right, I really should next time..." he trails off.

Then, rapidfire - "I thought it was urgent, they were marching at us and we weren't ready, I thought I needed to diffuse the situation as fast as I could and just wasn't thinking!  They were yelling about searching for Asmodeans and Mammonites, I figured if they could just be told there were none here, that there was some way of defusing the situation without violence, we weren't even the people they were looking for, and then they charged me and then she -" 

He gags.


"You've learned two lessons, Ricard," Xavier says. "The first is what sort of person your wizard is - the kind who goes for the kill, not for solving the problem - and the second is that three hundred angry people don't listen to arguments. You can shame them or you can terrify them, but you can't reason with them."


Xavier's not pouncing on his weakness?  He really is a new kind of lord.

"Yes... very true.  I suppose I know now."  To think that he'd been thinking about hiring Sara just an hour ago.

Wait.  Hundreds?  There were a few dozen outside.  ... the mob came back?  That'd make sense of all the noise he'd heard... Sara couldn't have handled that on her own... the Archduke probably saved him!

"Thank you for saving us!"



"It's what an archduke does. Keep your people safe, Count." 

And then he and Joan-Pau are going to run off and save more people.

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