A perfect time for retribution
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When the Tosel family had their fall from grace, the old mansion had to be converted to a tenement to keep finances in order.  Adalart was rather unhappy about being demoted from steward of a noble’s mansion to a mere landlord, and even more about the change in the people.  The staff might not have shrunk, the new residents brought servants with them but required more consistent service in turn, but nevertheless the constant presence of the lawyers, clerks, merchants, and wizards he couldn’t tyrannize like his subordinates was an… irritant.  But like everything in life, he could settle to it with time.  Especially as the longer the Tosels stayed away, the more he got comfortable dipping into rent for his own expenses…


Then, two decades later, everything changed.  An earthquake ripped through Egorian, destroying much of the housing stock, but sparing his mansion.  He might have hoped he could double rents and pocket the difference like some of the other landlords he knew, but tragically the flight of much of Cheliax’s middle class made raising his rents a nonstarter, at first.  At least the arrival of the new government’s clerks and lawyers kept him from having to lower the rent.  Then, with the announcement of the convention, his prices finally started going up again.    But a few weeks before, he realized: the Tosels were coming back.  They might actually check his ledgers.  What could he do… well, first, he better make some space for the count, taking initiative like that might make him happy?  If he’s likely to check by anyway.  And then, afterwards, cut the rent down to upkeep plus that forwarded to the Count, keep the remaining residents happy and cover up the embezzlement.  


Who to evict, who to evict… better start with that lawyer Espaillat, no one liked him anyway.  It’s probably a breach of the lease agreement, but who’s going to sue someone about to be backed up by a count?


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Are you kidding me?  I had 7 months left on this lease, I’ve only fallen behind on payments twice, you can’t do this, I've heard the new rulers are making the courts less biased towards the nobility, I’ll see you there!



As it happened, the courts are very busy; a tenancy contract dispute will take a while.



A few weeks later later, he’s still smarting on that incident; he lost more than a couple things in the quick move, and his new apartments are more cramped for the same price.  When he notices a fire a few blocks down, he sees a solution; he can finally take Adalart down a peg, and the rest of those bastards with him.  Besides, it’s a good idea to lead the mob away from here.  He borrows clothes from his servant, goes out the back entrance, and approaches the mob from another angle.


Despite him feeling some awkwardness among the swarm of angry commoners, no one seems to notice it; when they leave the most recently looted house and argue where to go, he manages to summon up the courage for a great rant on the evils of Adalart Montoliu, of the many apartments he’d doubled and tripled rents on, and the mass evictions to make way for the most recent heir of the cruel Tosel family.  When he marches off towards the Tosel manor, two or three dozen follow him.


The tenants are having dinner in the common area.  After hearing about the events on the military committee, Sara, a third circle wizard renting one of the apartments, has been talking over the details with Ricard comparing the anti-monster tactics of the Molthuni against the anti-demon strategies used at the worldwound.  



The first sign something is wrong is chanting, followed by a rain of stones against the building.  The doorman ducks inside.  “There’s a few dozen folks out there screaming ‘Death to the Asmodean nobles, death to the Mammonite landlords!’  What do we do?”  



Conversation at the table freezes.  Everyone turns to look at Ricard.


After a slightly awkward silence - thinking, thinking... “Uh, someone should probably tell them they’re in the wrong place?  I don’t think we have any of those here.”


The table remains freezing silent.



Oh fuck, he volunteered.  "I'll, uh, go do that."


Ricard's guardsman is too surprised to realize he should really try to discourage his liege before the door is already open.


Sara peers through a window to see what the actual situation is.


“There aren't, uh, there-”


“That’s Tosel!  Get him!”


A portion of the mob swarms forward, while those in back throw stones.  A stone cracks one of Ricard's ribs.


At that moment, a few thoughts come to mind.  First: That son of a bitch Espaillat is there.  Second: That crowd has its blood up, and aren’t likely to stop with the count.  Third: There are about 30 people in that crowd, and over half of them are in a 15 ft radius.  Fourth: That son of a bitch Espaillat is there.


She yanks the curtains aside and pulls the window open, then: Fireball 


A blossoming fireball instantly kills 10 rioters.  5 or so compatriots unlucky enough to be strong enough or far enough from the epicenter to not instantly die collapse to the ground, shrieking in agony as fire consumes their flesh, among them Domenge Espaillat. 


He deserved worse.


Most of the remaining members of the crowd flee screaming.  The man in front, his hair and the back of his clothing aflame, keeps charging.


Ricard’s panicked attempts to shove him away do little to prevent him from stabbing Ricard in the gut with a sharpened stake, before-


One of Ricard’s guards arrives outside and stabs the man with a spear before using it to lever him off Ricard.



Ricard collapses to the ground, crying and vomiting.  He’d seen men killed by monsters, watched - sometimes even participated in - tortures and gruesome executions, but he’d thought that period of life was over.  Apparently not!  At least his family aren’t here to punish him for being upset about it.


The guards carry Ricard inside.


If only she'd prepared Infernal Healing that day, the count would be even more debt to her - alas.

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