raimon wants to burn down his old school
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Raimon catches Victória after the last committees of the day are wrapping up.

"Hey," he says. "If somebody, say me, wanted to find you later, say after dark, to take you on a tour, so to speak, of my old school, where would I find you?"

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"Well, I've been staying at the Grey Stallion." It's an inn, seedy but not very seedy. "...But someone on Rights is getting his friend to summon an azata for me to talk to after everything wraps up today, so your school'd have to be after that."


"Oh, yeah, after dark like I said. I wouldn't want to disturb any kids at their lessons."


Nod nod. It hadn't occurred to her that there might be students inside but she suddenly feels very grateful that he's not planning on, say, murdering a school full of children.

"In that case... I don't actually know where his house is. It'd probably be fastest for me to meet you at the school?"


"Dead end of Fig Street. Nearest cross-avenue is Levaloch if they haven't changed the name. What's the azata for?"


"I think he's hoping it'll give me a lecture or something? He's been having the wildest takes over on the Rights Committee, he keeps trying to tell me that actually it would be Good to just let people get away with murdering innocent children— speaking of which, did you hear that the Queen pardoned people for everything they ever did before a few months ago?"


"Yeah. Slightly inconvenient for the project of finding a bigger guy to beat up a guy for you but useful if one happens to've ever committed any crimes oneself. Speaking of I'd be obliged if you didn't bring company to the school."


"Yeah, of course not."


"Oh good." The gesture he's looking for is a fistbump but he doesn't know what that is so he just smiles. "If you get there early I'll be visiting my mother at the Fig & Honey. You can get into the yard if you go around the back of the Peony St. laundress, but hopefully it'll be dark enough nobody'd see you even if you went in the front."


Oh, that explains what a guy is doing being a Calistrian priest. 

"Sounds great, see you then!"

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