Since our country was freed, much has been said of those EVILS by which we harm BOTH OTHERS AND OURSELVES. All sensible men now see that they must reject evils such as WORSHIP OF ASMODEUS, TORTURE OF INNOCENTS, and DRUNKENNESS. But far more pernicious than these are those evils which allow us to profit at the expense of others. Such evils lure us in with false promises of WEALTH, but no riches could be worth the eternal flames of HELL.

The first such evil is that of SLAVERY. The SLAVER takes the produce of another man's labor wholly for himself, caring naught for the other's wellbeing, becoming wealthy off the AGONY of the slave. Such actions are THEFT, not only of the slave's labor but of that which is far more precious: his freedom. If a slaver wishes to escape DAMNATION, he must free all his slaves immediately, giving payment for all those years of labor which he stole from them.

The second such evil is that of MISERLINESS. There are people starving in our very city, yet we are so used to the tyranny of Asmodeus, which called all Goodness weakness, that we save our coin and spend it on luxuries. Do you think there are beggars on the streets of Vigil? Of course not, for in Vigil, where all men are good, no man would spend so much as a copper beyond that which he needed to survive if it meant another man would go hungry. If a miser wishes to escape DAMNATION, he must give all his riches to the poor, selling off all unnecessary luxuries until he has only what he needs to survive.

The third such evil is that of MERCHANTLY DECEPTION. When a merchant through false promises and fraudulent assertions tricks a purchaser into believing his goods higher quality than they are, he enriches himself at the expense of honest buyers. Furthermore, he harms his fellow-merchant, for he takes coin that by right ought to have gone to more honest merchants for himself. If a dishonest merchant wishes to escape DAMNATION, he must publicly rebuke himself for his deceptions and refund any buyer from whom he falsely extracted coin.

The obligations of Goodness are temporary, but HELL is ETERNAL! Repent TODAY, for tomorrow it may be too late!