When I fell into bed that night, the memory of my battle with the Hellknights still fresh in my mind, I found myself once more on that strange celestial battlefield that had so often touched my dreams ever since I had reclaimed the sword of my forefathers. In the center of the field, clad in shining armor, was the strange Chelish woman with whom I had rendezvoused with each night.

"You fought valiantly today, Caterina," said my lover. No smile graced her face, but in her eyes there was a touch of pride.

My heart swelled at her praise. "I could not have done it without your counsel," I said.

Often during the battle, I had raised my sword against theirs, only to recall the words of my lover in our sessions of sparring. She bade me think not of striking their swords, but rather of striking at their hearts directly. For as noble as it is to strike at evil and fail, it is far better to succeed, the victory being far greater than the battle.

"My counsel alone did not lift your sword," she said. "It was your strength and courage that allowed you to strike down those men."

I embraced my lover, pressing my lips to hers as I took her hands in mine. Her hands were calloused in the way of a swordswoman, and I knew that even in the heavens, she was still a warrior.

As I pointed my sword to the sky, thinking of what my lover had told me, it began to glow with the light of the heavens.

"People of Cheliax!" I cried. "For too long, Asmodeus has held our people in bondage. He has denied us friendship, kindness, love. But today, we will put a stop to him once and for all."

As the men and women around me cheered, I adjusted the saddle on my unicorn and prepared to lead the charge. Though I knew she could not reach me from her place in the heavens, I felt as if my lover was riding by my side.

I struggled against the chains with which Asmodeus had bound me. A few feet away from me, I could see my sword lying uselessly on the ground, just barely out of my reach.

He ran a sharp claw down my cheek. "Surrender now, and I may yet permit you to become a lemure," he said. "But if you continue to struggle, you will spend all eternity as a paving stone."

"I will never yield to one such as you," I said. "For even if you condemn me to the deepest pits of Hell, it is too late for you to win back the hearts of the people of Cheliax."

Just then, there was a thunderous sound, and a cloud of golden dust filled the air around me. When it cleared, my lover was standing before me, her armor gleaming, her sword and shield in hand.

"Unholy Asmodeus!" she said. "You shall not lay another hand on Caterina, nor any other. I will strike you down where you stand, and drive back the forces of Hell forevermore!"