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Covers at least some of it.




"Aye." That's narrower than she'd like, but she doesn't want to accidentally ban sex or something ridiculous like that.


"Aye as well. Passes unanimously. Shall we return to the question of creating undead?"


"Last time our disagreements turned in large part on the economic feasibility of different mining systems, which none of us are experts on. Has anything changed there? Would it be more productive to move on to something else, and seek expert counsel before returning to it? There's got to be a dwarf somewhere in this city."


"There are some dwarves in Westcrown, but the local dwarves aren't mining experts. We might be able to get someone from Taggun Hold, ask the Menadorians if they can bring someone by teleport."


"If we're prepared to wait a month or spend two teleports I can get a response back from the Dwarf-led miners near Brastlewark."


“I tried find out more, so far I have a bit more on necromancy but nothing on other ways of mining. Most people I talk to haven’t been to other countries either. If we have time to wait and bring in a dwarf, or find one here, I think we should do that before deciding.”


"That seems sensible enough. I will be relieved if they present better options. Then I suppose... defining torture and under what terms we want to prohibit it. I think prohibiting torture, or even flogging, in interrogations is straightforward?"


He really should have tracked down an Evil delegate from Sirmium and gotten them to make all the sensible points for him, shouldn't he have.

"The system in Molthune used for minor crimes is that the accused are charged with whatever crimes they are believed to have committed, if they do not immediately admit this they are marched through a Zone of Truth and swear that not all the charges against them are true, they are only convicted if this is false and if they refuse to answer yea or nay under the spell they are beaten until they do. I do not know whether this would fall under this system."


"...what makes somebody decide not to say either way if it'll only get them beaten?"


"If they won't say they didn't do it under truthspell they're obviously guilty, I don't see what the point of beating them is. ...I mean, it might be fine depending on what they're guilty of, I just don't see why you need it to be part of questioning."


"Some people freeze up and have trouble talking in stressful situations, and everyone would pretend to be one of these people if we didn't have this rule, to run out the time on the Zone of Truth."


"I believe in Lastwall they simply permit the court to treat refusal to answer as an implicit admission of guilt, and bill the convict for the cost of the truth magic if they remain silent. This seems sufficient, and given the recent excesses of the system I think it is reasonable to err on the side of prohibiting too much."


Oh, that’s how you say ‘that sounds like giving them an easy excuse to drag away and beat anyone who seems quiet and scared’ in law-rights-language. Enric was wondering how to word it without being rude to  the archduke. 

“Seconded, that sounds like it would work. Saying someone is guilty for not talking is bad for anyone actually innocent, but I think a good  way of doing appeals should help with that.”


He thinks this is significantly less humane. "I will yield to the wisdom of the paladins of Lastwall."


"The described process for Lastwall seems to me like it would work, even if it isn't their actual rules." He seems reasonable enough, but she hasn't totally ruled out that he's a very good actor with some well-concealed diabolist plot. "I think I am comfortable calling the vote.  Right not to be tortured or attacked as part of criminal interrogations? I vote yes."










"That passes. For punishments, we clearly need to have more specific boundaries; if we cannot inflict pain deliberately at all, then there is little we can do between a small fine and loss of a hand or hard labor."

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