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Version: 1
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Rights Of Free Chelish Citizens And The Obligations Of Those Who Rule Them (Committee, Day 1)

[Day 1 of this Committee]

"That was an exciting morning," she says dryly, "And hopefully the most exciting today will be. The Committee on the Family was approved, so we may be lower on members going forward. Anyone have proposals before we jump back into debating the extremely pleasant topics of what to consider torture and under what circumstances we might permit making undead?"

Version: 2
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Rights Of Free Chelish Citizens And The Obligations Of Those Who Rule Them (Committee, Day 2)

[Day 1 of this Committee]

"That was an exciting morning," she says dryly, "And hopefully the most exciting today will be. The Committee on the Family was approved, so we may be lower on members going forward. Anyone have proposals before we jump back into debating the extremely pleasant topics of what to consider torture and under what circumstances we might permit making undead?"

Version: 3
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