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"Lesser but criminal," he proposes.


"'Force or violence, mundane or magical'? Dominate person is rare but I'd rather include it. 'Threat of violence to the victim or their family' as a lesser criminal charge seems right to me."

Jilia, as Archduke, deposed one of the more loathsome barons around Kintargo who had a habit of coercing young women to be his 'chambermaids' by threatening to conscript their brothers or fathers and assign them to some sewer cleaning duties which were widely considered death sentences. He lasted nine months after that before he committed a crime she could execute him for. She would like the next one like him to be more like three weeks, ideally.


He supports this program!


"Fine with that."


"...can someone clarify if a powerful wizard saying 'have sex with me or else' counts as a threat here?"


“If that isn’t a threat, I don’t know what is.”

Enric would prefer not to be talking out loud until the topic changes, but he’s processed some stuff from an earlier part of this conversation and is suddenly angry at powerful wizards. 


"If that sort of thing counts as a threat then I think that wording is fine. If we realize we forgot something important we can always have another vote. ...We should maybe say 'magical or mundane' both times, so people don't think only mundane threats count."


"Yes, that is a direct threat. I'm sure someone someday will argue they meant something innocent by 'or else' before a judge but a fair one will reject the argument as an obvious lie, and an unfair one there's not much we can do. I call a vote to approve this definition..." She pauses, and then recites the whole thing like it was oozing with mimic drippings and she was holding it with tongs at arm's length. She includes both Victòria's changes and the one she suggested herself, but not the 'threat' part.

"I vote in favor."




"Aye." The question of spouses has not even slightly occurred to her.


Theopho notices there isn't an exception for spouses. Does he... care? He has heard enough of people's personal lives and what went on in Asmodean marriages to conclude that even if it's right to let husbands do what they like to their wives most places and times, Cheliax two years after liberation is not one of those times or places.



Korva only kind of knows what marriage is, doesn't understand marriages without associated contracts to currently have any legal standing, and is still figuring out what this means for hypothetical attempts to ban siring bastards. It has not occurred to her that one might want to write an exception for spouses. 



Xavier considers the marriage contract a promise to have sex with your spouse reasonably often, and has not remotely considered that this might ban that contract from continuing in force. "Aye."


Enric has never considered that you could deal with being mistreated in marriage by appealing to law and a constitution. You deal with that by talking to your family who talks to the other family and they all deal with whoever is doing wrong. 


"Passes. Ban on coercing sex, defined the same way, by threat of violence or force, to the victim or their family, as a serious but lesser charge? I vote in favor."







Enric looks like he wants to add something, but threats that are about loans or jobs are probably a separate right from threats about violence, so he’ll ask about it after the vote. 




"Also passes. Right not to be ordered to have sex by a superior officer or any other person with legal authority to give you orders?"


Aha, the sanity gambit. "Aye."



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