"Everybody here?" Soler starts counting heads.
Voshrelka doesn't audibly reply, as she's in the middle of assisting Tuimfane in sewing leaves, but she is definitely present.
Feather is present! (She brings a total of two heads to be counted.)
Oh no, now there's two leaf-faeries. What if they get mad at her and turn her into a squirrel or something.
More druids isn't exactly a good sign but the new druid is much less scary than the originals! She gave a speech with her major demand and everything! What makes someone scary isn't that they can kill you, it's that you can't predict whether they will.
Anna nods. The Barrowwood delegate reads strongly Chaotic, which is not a good sign, but she's committed no crimes, yet.
Tuimfane is sewing. He's already made his demands and has no idea what he's here for.
To make sure that the humans follow through on agreeing to them, mostly. But also to get sewing assistance from the only other elf in the room. Also that.
"So - lovely to have a Barrowood representative here, thanks for joining us. I think the President looked a trifle overwhelmed today and I mean to go to him with our petition from yesterday, tomorrow. Even if he still looks overwhelmed because at that point I don't see that waiting will necessarily help. The Barrowood is concerned about dryad trees? They're useful for magic somehow and people're going in and killing dryads for their wood?"
"Yes. They're usually situated deep within the woods, and getting in a position to kill them is a large scale, systemic endeavor. I think those should stop, and your country should use the manpower for other, more sensible things. Like keeping things from wandering out of the woods, instead of pissing off everything inside them."
"Do you happen to know off the top of your head what they're wanted for? Are we talking something weird only five people use and they just pay mighty big sacks of gold for it or something like every spellbook for every wizard is made of dryad paper?"
"Magical item creation, mostly. So, goods for adventurers and the other rich and powerful. I haven't heard of them being turned into paper," and she sounds disgusted by the prospect of this, "and think it would be wasteful, but it would not surprise me. It wouldn't be in every spellbook for every wizard, though, the practice has only taken place in the last century. There wouldn't be enough dryad wood for that even if you decided to lose all sense and cut the entire Barrowood down."
Liushna wonders if you could substitute the bone of other highly magical people for the wood of dryads, but does not wonder it aloud because she is not an idiot.
Feather thinks that anyone who wants to cut down even a little of the Barrowood, and who spends a lot of effort killing dryads for their trees, would in fact cut down the entire Barrowood if they only could. She's not sure whether pointing out that this means Cheliax can't in fact cut down the whole Barrowood would help.
The old government was murdering fairies to make magic items??? How did they even survive — well, a lot of them didn't, but still.
"If I remember rightly, which I may not, they're used primarily for a class of common one-use items called tree feather tokens which create a full-grown tree instantly. They're also used for the base wood of some staves before spellsilver is applied. Neither is strategically critical, to my knowledge."
"Well, then it should be simple enough to stop, shouldn't it. How convenient for you."
"All right. So we'll do okay without them and don't need to go rustle up a wizard expert to make sure. Do dryads ever drop a branch, to sweeten the deal for anybody who doesn't go in with saws scaring them half to death?"
"... Yes, but I wouldn't expect it of them in your lifetime. They don't trust easily these days. Don't bet on it."
"How about, the committee condemns the Evils wrought under Asmodean rule against our friends and neighbors, and recommends to Her Majesty that the law prohibit the harvest for sale of dryad trees, or conspiracy for the same, on pain of death, and we recommend that those organizations charged with tracking down cults and Asmodean remnants be charged also with investigating whether these incursions have ceased, and bringing them to an end if they haven't."
"Would it help anything if we could track down any of the staves or tokens or whatever to give them burial rites?"
"... Mm. Not enough to be worth investing in, I don't think. What's left of dryads after they're felled returns to the First World. With a mission to reunite a dryad with her hewn bits of self something could be gained, but." She shrugs. "There are many dryads, many more magical items, and who would track down each and every bit of wood and return it to its maker? Much less in the First World. A pretty thought, but impractical."