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The sortition delegates mostly look badly out of their element but Eulàlia is actually glad at the requirement that she find one for the forests committee. There are some deranged loons here who think that it's mean to kill the monsters that come out of the forest, and she's reasonably sure that every single farmer in all of Cheliax knows better. So she'll head over to the sortition section of the room and ask for volunteers.


"The committee on forests is going to make recommendations about whether the government should continue to fight monsters that come from the forest, or grant them the right to not be attacked, which would mean punishing anyone who attacks one. I'm worried that right now there's no humans on there, just monsters, and that's no way to decide whether monsters should be allowed to eat people or not. Is there any interest in going to the committee with me? I think if some people who've lived through it just explain what the monsters are like we'll talk the foolish people out of making the Queen a foolish recommendation."

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"I'm already on a committee or I would."


A couple people standing near Xavi look at him, probably because they're thinking of 'monsters'.


She would rather not be on any committees. That seems like a good way to make sure she never gets to get home. But if she makes it home safe and then gets eaten by a monster, that barely helps, and if she makes it home safe and all her family gets eaten by monsters, that's worse.

"I don't think monsters should be allowed to eat people." She glances at the man who said he's already on a committee. "I think maybe as many of us as possible should go and say that? Even if you're also on another committee? Is that allowed?"


"It's allowed! They don't all meet at the same hour, and people can move between rooms depending where something interesting is happening." She smiles encouragingly at her. "Your courage will protect many people."


"Oh, okay, if we can be on a few I'm happy to go say that monsters are no good."


“I think this kind of thing is precisely why the Queen wanted ordinary people here.” And she’ll lead her new charges over to the forests committee.


And there they will find a black-haired, lightly-scarred Hellknight already sitting just next to the seat designated for the chair. She nods politely to everyone arriving.


Tuimfane is also present, an irritable-looking elf sewing a cloak out of what appears to be leaves and looking as though he would dearly prefer to be elsewhere.


Huh, you can sew leaves? Maybe you can only do it if you're an elf.


If it's the right leaves.


Feather enters just after them. She's a young human-looking woman dressed in leathers and furs (but no cloth) and has a sleepy owl on her shoulder, and she looks like she's preparing for a Very Important Exam where she must score perfectly and is about to meet the examiner for the first time.

...that's a cool-looking cloak! When that elf said he was from "Whisperwood" he may have meant a community closer to the forest than she thought - maybe he's a ranger or something? Wait, do elves even live among humans in Cheliax?

Well, either way, he hopefully cares about forest relations based on personal experience and not a vague fear of 'monsters', and he cares about dealing with hell-portals and werewolf plagues, so he's probably a sensible person. The right kind of person to have on this committee.


She looks like she walked out of a fucking book of fables. He'd read her to the baby and the baby would go "are druids real". Apparently they are.


Taís looks rather like she's trying to disappear into the floor.


The strix enters the room and waves at Feather.


Why are there so many monsters at this convention.


Narcis gives Feather a nod of recognition as he finds himself a seat.


“Right. Well, as I see it forests are one of the biggest things wrong with Cheliax today, and while we have allied archmages is a great time to try to make sure no one is ever eaten by a monster out of the forest again.” By burning them.


"Or petrified, or trampled, or dissolved in acid, or dragged off into the First World."


"The chief source of monsters coming out of the Whisperwood is the ones we're trying to kill," he says. "Go give the Order of the Pike a lot of money, they're helping us out."


"We would certainly accept it if offered, Delegate Ascathel. But I believe our first order of business is to select a chair."


"Right. I think you should be the chair because I've seen you do things."


"Or you can make peace and build an accord with the forests that stops 'monsters' from eating humans outside of them, instead of killing a lot of innocents to get at your actual enemies," Feather says coldly. "I thought you claimed to be Good now? What you said is - Asmodean Cheliax, now with three more archmages."

"I don't know who you are yet," to Anna, "so I can't say if you should be the chair. Let's introduce ourselves first."

"I'm Bright Morning Feather, druid, representing the Forest of Ravounel. I came here in the hope of making peace and maybe establishing some laws or trade or such, between the forest and the humans of Cheliax. - and the nonhuman people of Cheliax, who we're not at war with," she adds with a nod at Liushna. "And I certainly hope that you don't represent the rest of Cheliax and of this convention and committee," to Eulàlia.


"I move that we don't have anybody who declares themselves at war with us here," says Lluc.


“Delegate say have portal to hell, is different from situation in Ravounel Forest,” Liushna points out to Feather.


"Sure, he can stay, sounds like a problem, it's her who's apparently at war."

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