we can just figure out who the guilty people are. with magic
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The half-elven count is strong enough to have an aura, but it isn't Evil.


The other druid is not Evil and also believes she understands Good and Evil much better than the Chelish humans and their stupid spells! Or a goddess who isn't Good or Evil herself, for that matter! If you told her a spell said she was Evil she'd call the spell wrong.


The woman sitting among the religious delegates wearing Irori’s holy symbol detects as faintly evil!  If you bothered detecting law, you would also detect a stronger aura of law.


Not detectably evil.


No evil or any detectable alignment on this young man sitting among the nobility.  If he had just cast his healing spell you might get a false positive on detecting Good!  Or if you had a "detect celestial presence" to match your "detect fiendish presence" his bloodline might give a false positive!  Sadly neither of these are the case, so he will miss out on the opportunity to explain his illustrious heavenly bloodline!


Llei is faintly evil! This cannot possibly be surprising, but now you can tell yourself that you checked and didn't just assume.


This man in the elected's seating is not detectably evil.


None of the power Roger ĥas is the kind that makes you show up to detect spells.


Evil and still strictly speaking worships Asmodeus and has made no attempt to hide either.


Not evil, as he repeatedly claimed.


Evil, strong enough to ping, not hiding it, and on his way in giving his nephew a silver piece to go buy snacks.


First circle. Abadar provides an aura of Law but if there's also evil under there you can't tell with such rudimentary methods.


A cleric of Iomedae sporting five hit dice reads Strongly Lawful Good.


A cleric of Shelyn with somewhat fewer hit dice than that reads weakly Good.


A wizard who is somewhat shy of the border of leveling doesn't have a - maybe that's an aura? It - no it's gone again - it didn't look Good, at any rate.


As a cleric of a True Neutral god, Jofre will not ping until he has grown up big and strong, and that's only if he develops moral convictions other than "I want to go outside" or systemic ones other than "you can't operate a ship if there's outright mutiny on the table for anything that's not itself ridiculously lethal", which Pharasma doesn't seem to find important.


This important-looking noble isn't evil!

(Hahahaha no he's totally evil. He's just never won a fight against someone stronger than himself.)


This elf is definitely not evil. She left Cheliax before evil got popular.


Also not evil. She ran away from home, and then fought Cheliax, when it was good to do that!


Not evil!

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