Metadata: evil detected [open]
we can just figure out who the guilty people are. with magic
Status In Progress
Audience Public
Setting Golarion
Word Count 1,123
  • Arete/Stars: 202
  • Alicorn: 170
  • Aevylmar: 135
  • Nscruiser: 112
  • lintamande: 77
  • lantalótë: 61
  • apprenticebard: 56
  • danarmak: 50
  • MaggieoftheOwls: 39
  • Soon: 35
  • girllich: 32
  • JiSK: 27
  • Aestrix: 26
  • nonevah: 21
  • QTesseract: 21
  • Calima: 20
  • harryisgamer: 14
  • ray: 12
  • lux: 11
  • Pevensie: 2
Time Begun
Time Last Updated