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Being A COMPLAINT Regarding the noble ACADEMIES OF MAGIC

Surely the Hideous Legacy of Asmodeus remains in many of the outdated and foolish rules and regulations placed upon the Academies that raise the brightest of our Generation towards Arcane Might. Even as our Great and Visionary Saviors have dedicated that Cheliax cease Damning many of its Brightest Minds and done the great and excellent Service of ending the Horror of the World Wound, the common man does not understand the Plight of the Would-Be Wizard. Many common Practices in the various academies have been designed to chain the souls of all who Learn into Tyranny. Such a truth may not be comprehensible to the unwashed masses, but Learned Minds who see the Conditions which students of Magic labor under will surely agree with the necessity of Complete Reform of Magical Education. 

FIRST being the choice of Practical Demonstration partners, those typically being one's fellow students who are used as targets for the training of cantrips such as Acid Bolt and, thereafter, Infernal Healing. The motivation to avoid the Receiving of such treatment as to avoid pain is a driver of greater effort; But when there is not sufficient healing, it will leave a student unable to so much as hold a book, and occasionally even slay them prematurely. Focus through pain is lesson enough, and there is no reason not to procure a supply of Goats, Chickens, Slips, or other such creatures to serve as appropriate Practice. This would also have the benefit of reducing the cost to procure Unholy Water, which is a considerable and ongoing expense.

SECOND being the practice of Mind Reading which is undertaken with great regularity both by staff and students, and the related practice of Avoidant Thought. The sanctity of one's own secrets is violated so casually, with any discovered Thoughts being used as a pretext for the Teacher and others of Authority to demand whatever they please, lest a false report of disloyalty, laziness, or imagined crimes make its way to those responsible for Punishment. Such an environment is conducive only to Paranoia, not any sort of peaceful Learning. The BAN of the spell 'Detect Thoughts' and any similar such Magics used by Staff and Students outside of Ordinary Classtime would grant a Reprieve where the mind may purge its imperfections and prepare for further dedicated Learning.

THIRD being the challenge of Supplies. The plentiful materiel supplied from Hell, especially that of unholy water, devil's blood, and various Scrolls, is naturally now beyond our reach and any loyal Citizen of Cheliax knows that this is for the best. However, it does place considerable Constraints on the development of wizards, with many who yet remain at the Academies facing a stark limit in the number of new Pages that can be added to their spellbooks, often forced to take loans at Usurious rates in order to secure Advancement. The only path towards maintaining Cheliax's Dominance in the number of talented wizards in this new era is that the Government ensure to supply the academies with sufficient funding.

I would call any interested to consider Solutions to these three challenges, and more lesser ones that would not fit upon this Page. 

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(On Mage Academies) As the Senior Mage of Cheliax (All other Candidates Being either Foreigners or Absent), it falls to the Eminent Wisdom of Lady Eriape to consider this Puzzle. We are therefore Compelled to Consider Ordering the Resumption of Traditional Means of Magical Education, wherein a Smart Young Thing would Boldly descend into a hideous Crypt to Apprentice with her Superiors in the use of the Obverse Power. This is the Successful Training that Lady Eriape had, which Proves its Efficacy! 

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