let's have an argument about which gods we ban!
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"You've been doing the dramatic readings of pamphlets, right, Solandra? I haven't had time to come to many of those, but if there are any writers you'd recommend that could be useful--personally I think whoever is writing the Badger pamphlets is a good comedian but a bit tasteless in their choice of character voice." 


Shelynites. It's not that they're wrong, per se, though he doesn't agree with their emphasis. It's just... Shelynites.


"Have you not talked to Estella much lately Nuria?  She found the necromancy spell in one of her pamphlets for preserving food was real but poisonous... there is some possibility Lady Eriape is a genuine undead."


"I have been doing readings, yes, so many people don't read and the pamphlets are the best way to keep abreast of what's going on. I do filter them a little, though, and haven't done the Badgers. I think it would be a hard sell, the character that is, without makeup and costume I just don't have time for right now... and if she's real I'd worry at all about provoking her... but I digress. Our proposals now amount to: list churches in good standing, possibly allow taxes to be diverted as tithes, and put out a call for, maybe even invest in, religiously enlightening entertainment."


"What about trying to outright replace the currently closed Asmodean schools with schools ran by churches in good standing?  I don't think even combined we currently have the numbers for it, but it seems worth considering?"


"Well, that's concerning, but being undead doesn't rule out being a comedian, even if it's probably disqualifying for the project at hand. I just think anyone as gullible as badger-lady is portrayed as being wouldn't have survived long enough to become a lich."


"Lichdom often drives the prospective wizard mad. Such liches are the easiest to locate and destroy."


"I tried doing some teaching, back before the committee, and it's asking for a large investment of time from some of the most busy people in the country. Maybe we could encourage some system where a priest has a class once a week, or something? But certainly nothing like the old Asmodean systems."


"I do caution against the attempted casting of Purported Spells from Pamphlets, though one can't scrivener's a spell and the entire Phenomenon described is most bewildering."

"Are Schools under the purview of Virtuous Churches something that exist, in other Lands not so recently burdened with Hell's Yoke?"


Shrug. "Well, if the badger pamphlets aren't satirical, I hope someone locates and destroys her soon. I think the Abadarans do classes?"


"I believe Irorian clerics typically train students in martial arts, meditation, physical exercise, and monastic arts in general."


"We're apparently supposed to have art classes, though we've been very busy so I think mostly it's just been teaching by observation as the visual arts people repurpose Asmodean decorations."


"I don't know about novels, but I can say that stories and songs are half of how good stayed alive in my village. Send a traveling show from village to village going with a traveling cleric, that would promulgate a lot of good."

Enric absentmindedly hums a piece of a song to himself, the one that kept him hoping for the age of glory through the worst of it.

"Maybe we can ask the foreign priests if they run schools, and how they do it? Oh, that's another thing we could do. Once we get a list of gods that are friends of Cheliax, make sure churches to those gods in other countries are allowed to send people here, and our priests are allowed to go there. Making ties there can help build the good churches here."


"Mm-hm, that's already happening but could stand to be more official."

They've all been here for a while and some have other committees to sit on. Once they have their progress thus far written up to turn in at the end of the day (it's like school, but school in a nice dream where the best students get flowers and ice cream, that the assignments are like this), Laia dismisses everyone.

The list looks like this:

- We are agreed that there should be an official list of churches of benign gods in good standing whom it is definitely licit to worship, and a similar list of evil gods, demon lords, etc., whom it is not, with it understood that there is a gray area between the two (obscure empyreal lords, minor deities) the handling of which is beyond the scope of this committee.
- We are considering the ideal nature of a proposal by which some part of a citizen's taxes owed may at that citizen's option be diverted to a benign church instead of their lord or the crown, to encourage the establishment and proliferation of these churches and the services they offer most particularly in regions where the lord's service to his people is unsatisfying.
- We are considering whether it might be desirable to expressly endorse Erastil as the state god but at present the committee leans against.
- We suggest that the Crown consider hosting a sort of Grand Salon of artists, writers, and performers from all across Cheliax, gathered into Westcrown or another suitable city, to exchange ideas for the presentation of Good catechesis and cultural mores, and then disperse again with these ideas to the corners of the kingdom.
- We are considering the best ways to integrate the benign churches, given their limited coverage and staffing at present, into an improved system of education throughout Cheliax, with each church taking on different subjects of instruction, but do not have a firm proposal as yet.
- We recommend extending formal invitations above and beyond those informal ones already presumed, to clerics of benign gods from abroad to visit and teach in Cheliax, and perhaps also to send some Chelish people on pilgrimages of religious study to bring back their learning to their homes.
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