let's have an argument about which gods we ban!
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"There is the accommodations the government makes to clerics.  As we are writing a document that will direct the government, we can directly enshrine such accommodations and privileges into the highest law.  I myself have a number of students to support and take care of, with appropriate accommodations and support from the government I could turn more of my efforts towards benefiting the masses and country as a whole."  


"I would not wish to try to raise taxes to pay for our work. Every coin we collect must ultimately be taken the labor of the working people of Cheliax, whose debts choke them and whose harvests command no price at all outside of peace-glutted Westcrown."


"Much money went to schools that were very Asmodean.  I could do better with it with the students I have. And much money still goes to Wizard Schools and a well trained monk can be as useful as a wizard, at least in combat.  At the very least I don't want the government trying to take my students to put into public schools once they reopen."  She glances towards Enric.


Lluïsa is so glad the monk of Irori took her helpful advice to heart! It's more satisfying than wielding a mob of timid peasants awed by legalese would have been, honestly. How do you even wield one of those?


“Maybe we let people choose which church to pay tithes to, instead of taxes from the crown?”

“One more thing we can do. We have a lot of clerics at the convention, maybe we could put together a list of who anll the gods are and send it out to every village?”

“Some places don’t remember the good gods, except for what the asmodeans told them. People also don’t know the neutral gods or the small ones, how to tell which ones are good and which ones are bad. Uh, I already mentioned the fight this morning.”

Enric kinda wants this for himself too, so he can tell whether Erecura is actually evil or not, and who some of the gods he doesn’t recognize are. He’s figured out that Sarenrae and Dawnflower are just foreign names for The Sun, but there’s others he’s confused about too. 


Lluïsa knows the vague outlines of which gods are which but would actually be interested in reading this proposed document.

"I would add that, should we draft such a list, it might do good distributed to all the Convention, in hopes of forestalling such acrimony in the future. I would cast scrivener's for it, though it be taxing."


She nods toward Enric.

"Indeed, I would be happy to take on students and teach them both practical common skills reading and writing in addition to Irori's teaching and basic martial arts in exchange for a local tithe."

She decides to address the diabolist.

"Yes a list of Good Gods, and more generally Gods with good virtues would be quite helpful I think!  And maybe a list of all non Evil Gods for reference?"


"A basic primer about all the benign gods known in the new dawn of Cheliax, delivered all across the country, and tithes taking the place of some or all taxes to recognize what churches do for community capacity. I think the tithing idea is the sort of thing we could put before the convention; I'm not sure the primer idea is, but maybe we can just do some of it in our own persons. Do any of you already know how to publish a pamphlet, is it just as simple as scrivening it?"


"One of the problems there is that there are a number of good gods who do not have clerics here, and I'd rather we not simply ignore them... on the other hand, such a list is likely to be long as it is, and perhaps too many names would make it less useful for those who cannot read."


"A Partial Menu of the Benign Gods," suggests Laia.


"I can compose one," the Lictor says. "I have experience in the field."


She smiles, only a bit forced.

"We could try to request a government decree instead?  I've learned not to trust pamphlets after seeing some rather blatant errors so I'm not sure how well a pamphlet would be believed."


"Experience in the field of... pamphleteering, or of listing gods?"


"- Gods," she says to Laia. And to Thea - "The available middle ground is a pamphlet certified reliable and sold by a reliable organization, such as a Lawful church."


"...I'm not sure Lawful is enough, or the right criterion, or something--I mean, somehow, Geryon is Lawful."


"Lawful and nonevil," the person who hates Geryon most in the room corrects.


“We could make sure whoever brings the pamphlet knows how to read. That way everyone hears it at least once. Or the decree, if it’s on paper too.”

Enric doesn’t know enough about the specific gods they’re arguing to say much there. Just include the good ones and say to not worship the bad ones.

”Thea, would your school still have the…” Enric tries to figure out how to describe the dread he feels whenever they bring up school. “The making children sit still for hours and making them hurt each other and the thing where sometimes if you spend too much time there you act like an asmodean even when the priest isn’t in town?”

”If there’s a way to teach people to read without that, maybe we can have everyone learn? So they can all read it?”

Enric is still not sure about reading, but it seems useful if there’s a non-evil way to get it.


"I think if we want one that everyone would believe, it will probably have to be Iomedae's church, but perhaps Erastil's would work fine."


"I think Erastil was able to send more clerics to this convention for whatever reason, which probably reflects more Erastilians among Chelaxians, though they're likely not yet organized enough to do it all alone."


She addresses Enric.  Best to take every chance to explain Irori's virtues.

"We've changed all of our methods since I took over.  I've found pain is a poor teacher and a last resort at best.  I haven't taught a student from infancy yet just the students I already had, but Irori's holy text seems clear pain isn't the best method, so I'm optimistic I can find a way to teach without relying on it."


Murmuring to Thea: "Does Irori have the same not lying thing as Abadar? Like presumably not quite so much, unless Irori has a special truth spell I haven't heard of, but still."


Wait... does Nuria think she is lying... is Nuria counting sparring as pain?  That barely even hurts?  Or is she just asking for a truth telling?  She whispers back.

"Irori does not have a specialized truth telling spell.  I think the more general zone of truth is second circle so you could prepare that, and I could try my detect magic and spellcraft to tell if the subject fails their save properly?"


That’s… not completely reassuring. But good Thea is trying to find a way without hurting people. “I hope you can find a way to.”

”I’m not sure if clerics of Erastil are good for writing, though. Good for fields and weddings and healing, but I’ve never met one good at writing.”

Specifically, he’s heard that the cleric of Erastil back home thinks writing is just for asmodean lies, and for the truth you talk to someone you trust. But that might be different now.


"--Oh, no, I meant, as an example of a Lawful Neutral god, that's all. I'm just trying to figure out if 'Lawful Non-evil' is actually, you know, definitely a good way to distribute accurate pamphlets."


"Well, that's inconvenient if a lot of the best-distributed priests don't read. But we don't even have the thing written, and it's at any rate more of the sort of thing that we as individuals who care can do, rather than something that the committee should be talking to the rest of the convention about. Let's go back to the tithing idea."

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