Ivan must be drunker than he thought he was. He could have sworn he knew his way around Vivienne's parents' house, since she wanted to introduce him last week and showed him the place, but maybe they have a... secret... upstairs... bar? where Vivienne's room is supposed to be? And most certainly was last time he checked? He's never going to find the sweater she sent him up looking for here, anyway. Why is there a secret upstairs bar in Vivienne's parents' house?
"Grand. The one time I forget to bring a stunner to my girlfriend's house party."
"Someone really must tell me about all this strange weaponry," says Stalas.
"Stunner's a nice ranged nonlethal. Shoot somebody with it and they fall unconscious and wake up a while later or when given the right hypospray, with what may or may not be a well-deserved hangover."
"And is all this needling serving some useful stress-relieving purpose, or is it more of a symptom than a cure?"
"A little of one, a little of the other," he says, choosing not to answer Stalas's question.
"Look, Mark, do you want to you and me go back to the bar and see if she'll give us a chess set or something and you can stop staring weirdly at them?" sighs Ivan.
He looks at Ivan. Perhaps he's making an effort not to be unsettling; it mostly comes out tragic instead.
"I'm not a Miles, I'm not going to want to decapitate you if you look at me funny. I will just sort of stand here being confused and unsettled, that's got to get boring eventually."
"I don't like unsettling you. Nor do I like that I'm bad at not unsettling you," he says.
"Whereas apparently you love how good you are at unsettling us," snorts Miles.
"Sure," he says. "I'm just worried that you will be more unsettled and conciliatory than entertained, which would unfortunately be counterproductive to the cause."
"If you go off and play chess with me while being unsettled and not wanting to play chess with me, just because the alternative is watching me find out how much needling it takes for Stalas to try to kill me, I will be upset about that," he says. "And I don't know you well enough to know I would catch it right away, the way I would if it were Miles."
"Well," says Ivan, "you could agree to stop needling Stalas into killing you, and then we could go play chess anyway, and then it definitely wouldn't be because of that."