Ivan must be drunker than he thought he was. He could have sworn he knew his way around Vivienne's parents' house, since she wanted to introduce him last week and showed him the place, but maybe they have a... secret... upstairs... bar? where Vivienne's room is supposed to be? And most certainly was last time he checked? He's never going to find the sweater she sent him up looking for here, anyway. Why is there a secret upstairs bar in Vivienne's parents' house?
"Large amounts of flying subtext is going on over there. Should we be talking about something else?"
"...maybe," says Miles. "We could talk about, oh, sneaking Mark and Stalas onto Barrayar. For example."
"The duffel bag in question would have to be fairly enormous," says Miles. "I don't really think you could plausibly claim that everyone just forgot they saw you bring it in. We could, I don't know, dress them both up as me and have us all leave as unobtrusively as possible by different exits. With somebody to shepherd Stalas. As long as no one actually sees all three of us in the same room, 'which way did he go and when' is the sort of thing people are pretty willing to have their memories quietly revised about. 'Was she or was she not carrying Father Frost's sack of presents when she came in a few minutes ago' is... less that way. I could easily imagine someone deciding that you were making off with the family silver or some damn thing, and demanding to see in the bag."
"There's a back staircase, leads to a door that goes out near the quail. I could show it to Stalas and he can meet Miles and Linyabel and the Armsman she brought after they go out the front, and then I can go up the back stair again, get Vivienne's sweater, and resume like nothing happened."
"But I do like having the plan planned," says Miles. "It's very planlike."
"I mean, we do have a a more or less complete accounting of all the obviously profitable exchanges between applicable worlds, or we wouldn't have sent the little ones home already, but I am concerned that the moment we step out, six more sets of alts with more fascinating trade goods are going to come in."
"Which logically implies you want to stay here literally forever," says Miles. "I'd rather not do that."
"Perhaps not literally forever, but I might want to wait for another week or another alt, whichever comes first."
"You know you don't have to wait for me, right? You can step out and I will be along presently regardless, because of the fascinating temporal properties at work."