Sparks and Drow, what could go wrong?
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"-No. Just for one to do some work. And preferably in a way where the halfling gets something out of it."


"Probably I could borrow Yin for free - but -" She shrugs, and then also points at the slide-entrance to the cave.


"It doesn't need to happen here either. They could make it elsewhere. I have a bit of wrapped wire left over, too short to be useful, that would show what I need... It was just a thought, though. Not critical."


Belmarniss holds out her hands for the sample.


Four inches of copper wire, wrapped in cloth and sewn shut.

"It's... Deeply suboptimal, but until I get enough chemistry gear to make rubber," She taps her boots, "Or tear these apart, fabric insulation will have to do."


Nod nod. Empocket.

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