Sparks and Drow, what could go wrong?
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After one last round of mad laughter-

"Shroomy! Growth protocol!"

The mushroom-golem click-claks its way to a large pot full of rock dust and shredded mushrooms that was made at some point, stares at it, makes a wheezing noise, then unfolds two previously hidden little arms like a spider's pedipalps and grabs a bowl of water, and waters it. Then it sticks the pedipalps into the pot and starts making a ticking sound, like Waltana's light does.

"If my Sparkish insight was correct... We'll have a fruit plant in a little under three days!"




"Very good! That was exhilarating! Whatever you did woke up the Spark like nothing else! What even was it?"


"Fox's Cunning."


"More magic like the language spells? Maybe I should try learning magic at some point instead of leaning all into the Spark- Now that I have a guard clank, I think I'll feel a lot less, uh, urgent and focused on establishing myself."




"I'm in a really good mood now! Also a tired one. I almost want to, to hug you but I have noooo idea how that works in this society-"


Snort. Hug.


-Wait really?

Okay! Hug!

...Wow, she sure is feeling a lot of things right now. Probably a lot of them show on her face.




"...It's been a long few days. I've been scared. Still kind of am. Of the dark and monsters, of the people down here, of myself- Uh, Shroomy has a weapon, by the way. He can do a big Jolt, once or twice. Everything has to have a weapon in it, kinda."


Slow nod.


"It's all the craziest, rashest, cruelest thoughts brought into stark clarity, when it's not joy in the sense of understanding. It feels amazing. Like being drunk and winning a competition at the same time. I'm- Trying to want to build, to create, instead of to burn things. Sing to the joy of efficiency, of motion, of- You tried to stop me, right? Thank you, that was a - good impulse. I was-" Sigh. Shrug. "...When I broke through as a Spark I killed someone. It was... Technically an accident. I wanted to hurt him. I didn't want to kill him. And that- It- He's probably been long taken up by Pharasma, right? I sure feel something about that. Not sure what."


Flinch at "cruelest" - nod at "tried to stop me" - nod at "been long taken up".


"I'm not gonna say what he did. I don't want to - defend myself, I guess-"




"So- There was authority in Frostbound. Structure. They had a proper court, with the Captain's man and one of the worker union heads arguing each side, and gave me a proper sentence according to laws that were written down for killing someone, and a punishment, and I was complying with it and everything..."




"...It kind of stinks to not have that. I might get things wrong."




"Yeah. I think I need to take a nap, now.

...Cleanup, wind up Shroomy's springs, then nap."





She points at things. She organizes objects left scattered in the wake of the fugue. She uses a metal crank to wind up Shroomy's clockworks on its back, with a loud clicking sound.

A tiny little green bud is visible in the plant pot, nudging aside the soil.

"That's all I think. I'll... Sleep now. Thanks for all the help."


Wow, it sprouted already. That's amazing. That's so amazing. Belmarniss sticks around for a little, watching the green plant be green.

Then she goes.


It grows from a tiny green nub just barely visible in the pot to something two inches high with a single slowly-growing leaf over about an hour. If Belmarniss touches the soil, she gets lightly zapped.

Waltana sleeps deeply, wakes up with a raging headache, re-winds Shroomy, and takes care of herself, eats the last of the mushrooms, thinks about an extra spring-battery for Shroomy to extend his work period but feels too out of it to make it right now, and finally spends a while tidying up and eventually working with the quicklime she made yesterday to smooth out the kiln and start doing the same to the walls. Light work. More naps.

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