Sparks and Drow, what could go wrong?
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Belmarniss comes back after about twelve hours away.


Shroomy is standing in a guard position and spots her as she comes down the slope, and click-clicks away.

The work area is much neater and one wall is partially white! Waltana looks like she could use Prestidigitating. The strawberry plant is about a handspan high, but it looks kind of sickly.

"Hi! I need, uh, nightsoil or spoiled food- Not that there is any- Or dead stuff. Bones, maybe. I underestimated how much fertilizer rapid growth would take."


Belmarniss nods and drops the mushrooms for Waltana's breakfast and goes again.



Waltana will actually walk around at least a few of the neighboring chambers and passages, with Shroomy and a light as a guard. Not far, maybe a couple hundred feet and leaving string behind her so she doesn't get lost. She's just feeling a bit claustrophobic, and a walk helps with that where pacing does not.

Work, work, work. Not too Sparkily. Carve the rocks. Smooth the walls. Hammer the metal. Bemoan your lack of adequate tools. Hug the hard-but-slightly-squishy texture of Shroomy the Mushroom-Clank, and wait. Things are getting better, just keep at it.


Belmarniss comes back with a jar of nastiness.


She wishes she had a mask.

Rock dust, water, three spoons of ground quicklime, and a teensy bit of sulfur, mixed well and heated carefully and then spread into the pot. And then she asks for Prestidigitation and sets Shroomy on 'Growth Protocol' again.

"Well, there we go.  I think it's going well. I'm just... Antsy."


Nod nod.


"I wanna spend time learning Drow if you're up for that?"


Nod nod! Waltana should provide the curriculum she wants, since Belmarniss could speak Drow all day and not communicate what any of it meant, but she's up for this.


Her chosen subjects: Magic, navigation and directions, food words, family and relationship words.


Sure, now she has vocab on those insofar as she can request it, which will be hardest for magic.

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